49. Old Memories

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July 1, 1985

Nancy and Jonathan stood outside of Mrs. Driscoll's house as the paramedics tried to strap Mrs. Driscoll down to the bed.

"Mrs. Driscoll, please we need you to stay calm." The paramedic said to her.

"NO! I HAVE TO GO BACK!" Mrs. Driscoll yelled, trying to break free of the restraints. "I HAVE TO GO BACK! I HAVE TO GO BACK." She continued to yell. Nancy and Jonathan looked at her worry in their eyes. None of this made sense. The two of them saw Mrs. Driscoll not too long ago, and she was perfectly fine.

Nancy and Johnathan stood on her porch as the ambulance drove away.

"So, do you two want to explain to me, what in the name of fucking Jesus just happened here?" The police officer asked the two of them.

Richie walked into his room and sat on his bed. He let out a heavy sigh, his shoulders slumping. He had a very bad feeling about tonight, and he felt like something was off with Billy tonight.

Richie doesn't know Billy well, but he's had enough classes to know what his personality was like. Everything about him tonight was the complete opposite of him. He was cheerful and kind. Not some asshole who's got a mouth.

Richie closed his eyes for a few seconds. Then falls back into his bed letting out a loud sigh. He kicks his shoes off and takes off his vest throwing it at the ground. He slips under the covers, slowly falling asleep.


Richie's body was shaking as his father held him in his arms, with a gun pressed to the side of his head. Memories of years of abuse, neglect, drinking, depression, PTSD, the assult. Everything that his parents caused, everything It caused, it all ran through his mind.

With everything in him, Richie knew what he needed to do, what he wanted to do. He closed his eyes, concentrating on the gun. As soon as Richie shot his eyes open the gun went off. Blood splatted crossed, Richie's face, Wentworth's body falling to the ground.

Richie let out a loud, heavy, breath. Karen Wheeler ran right towards him, as his mother's sobs ring loudly throughout the courthouse. Karen gripped Richie's shoulder, shaking them, trying to speak to Richie. But Richie couldn't hear her. He could only hear a few things: the ringing in his ear; the pounding of the blood in his head; and lastly his only thought.

I just killed my dad A small smirk made its way onto his face.

Karen grabbed onto Richie as the officers started to guide everyone out of the courthouse

The light blinded Richie as he and his Aunt made their way outside. Suddenly, Richie reached his hands towards his face. His face was wet from the blood.

He pulled his hands away and in front of his face. They were covered now, completely stained red. Suddenly, he looks up, it was dark out now. This wasn't how Richie remembered that day at all.

He looked down and in front of him was Eddie. His entire abdomen was covered in blood.

"EDDIE!" Richie shouted as he dropped down to the floor next to him. "God, Eddie, please, who did this to you."

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐇𝐚𝐰𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now