61. The Anger Stage

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September 18, 1985

10:30 pm pick up Richie Tozier and Eddie Munson from the Hawkins police department

10:45 pm get mad at Richie Tozier and Eddie Munson

Karen Wheeler was currently in the process of the first part. She gripped tightly onto the straps of her bag, still in her nightgown as she walked up to the small jail cell that contained her nephew and his friend.

Richie stands from the small bench and walks up towards the bars. "Hey, what brings you here?" He says with a small smile.

Karen slightly tucks her tongue and shakes her head at him. "Get them out of there already, Powell." Her tone was full of irritation and anger. A tone Richie has gotten to know very well.

Calvin Powell, the new chief of Hawkins, grabs onto the keys that were attached to his belt and unlocks the cell, letting the two teenagers out. "This better be the last time boys, you're lucky I'm only making you clean your mess up."

As soon as the door was open Karen places her bag around her shoulder and grabbed onto both of their ears dragging them behind her.

"Ow, Mrs. K, is this really-" Eddie attempts to explain, but is cut off.

"Zip it, Eddie, you're lucky that I'm not telling your Uncle about this." She dragged them all the way toward her car, while the both of them attempted to get her to let go of their ears. She finally let's go and ushers them into the car. She couldn't help but slam the door behind Richie. Her nephew has been really testing her patience lately. She lets out a deep breath through her nose as she gets into the front seat, throwing her bag next to her. Once she was finally driving, she couldn't hold in her anger anymore.

"I can't believe you two. I mean, spray painting male anatomy onto the high school, again! You two promised you would stop. What were you two even thinking? Especially you Richie, if Mr. Powell didn't let you two off so easily who knows if the school would've allowed Eddie to graduate. And I'm sure Mr. Munson would like to graduate high school at some point."

"Well, that's not my fucking problem." Richie mumbled under his breath, crossing his arms in front of his chest, and looking out the window.

Karen looks at him through her mirror. "I guess it's a good thing tomorrow's Saturday, no work or school, so you two will be able to get up extra early to clean off that spray paint."

"What, but that'll take fucking all day!" Richie explains as Eddie looked between the two awkwardly.

"Don't use that word with me, how many times do I have to tell you that? Now, if you're so worried about it taking forever, I suppose you two should start early then." She slightly smiles, making sure both of the boys could see your expression through the mirror.

Eddie claps his hands together. "Well, I would just like to say I thought it was fucking hilarious." He giggles until he sees Karen's glare through the mirror.

"The rule applies to you as well, Eddie."

"Right, uh, sorry Ms. K."


September 18, 1985

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