47. The Missing Lifeguard

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July 1, 1985

Richie gripped the steering wheel tightly, making his knuckles white. His jaw was clenched and he was breathing heavily. Eddie sat in the passenger seat worried about his boyfriend.

"Chee, are you okay? You haven't said a word this whole car ride." He asks as her grabs onto Richie's arm.

"I'm perfectly fine." Eddie eyes him not convinced at all.

"Please don't fucking pull that with me. I've known you since kindergarten. I know when you're upset. Now, what's wrong?"

Richie lets out a breath through his nose. "I'm sorry it's just I don't get Mike anymore. He seemed fine and happy. He even made jokes with me Eddie! But all of a sudden he just switches up and decides to change how he acts. I mean you saw it yourself. He's never acted that way before, I mean yeah he can be fucking annoying and rude now, but he's never been like that with Will. I mean they're obviously head over heels for each other. But both of them are too stubborn to fucking admit their feelings." Richie pauses and takes a breath from the conversation.

"Plus, Mike is definitely in denial about liking Will. So it's not like he'll even admit his feelings for Will. And to be honest with you, I wouldn't even want Will and Mike to date. They both need time, especially Mike. I mean if Mike is going to keep acting like how he is it's not going to be good for Will. Will deserves so much better than that. I just don't get it. Mike literally just kissed Will, without even fucking thinking about it. He says he doesn't have feelings for him and that Will doesn't like him either but here we are. To be honest, I want Mike to feel comfortable with himself because it's clear that he has a crush on Will, I mean he knows that we'll all support him. But god he just makes me so fucking mad sometimes. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?" Richie vents just as he pulls into the parking lot of the Starcourt Mall.

Eddie looks at Richie, grabbing onto his hand as Richie pulls the car to a stop. "I understand, I really do. I mean your right about them liking each other. I mean it's clear that Mike is in denial. Will, I'm not so sure." Richie's grip tightens around Eddie's hand. His eyes wandering down to their matching brackets.

"I think Will understands that he likes Mike, but I think he just doesn't want to tell anyone about it because of the shit his and Jonathan's dad said about him. I wish I could fucking punch that Lonnie guy in that bitch ass face of his." Richie says.

Eddie nods agreeing with him. Eddie looks out towards the mall then back at Richie. "Well, I probably should go in there."

"Yeah, yeah, you should. So, uh do you want me to pick you up, or is Steve going to drop you off?"

"I'll just have Steve drop me off. I mean I don't really know how long it's going to take us to figure out the code. Plus we don't know how long you'll be with Max and El." Richie nods and lets go of Eddie's hand.

"Alright, well I love you my little spaghetti." Richie says as he ruffles Eddie's hair. Eddie rolls his eyes and pushes Richie's hand away. Trying his best as hiding his laughter.

"You're so fucking weird."

"Oh but you got to admit, you love it," Richie says. Eddie ignores him and sets a kiss on his lips just before he left for the mall.


Richie ran out from the car towards the community pool. Trying to avoid the rain as best he could. He sees Eleven and Max staring by the desk as many children and parents ran to their car.

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