59. Let The Battle of Starcourt Begin

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July 4, 1985

"The Mind Flayer's back, Hop, it's here to get rid of El and Richie," Eddie explains to the three adults. "it wants into our world."

"How big is the thing?"

"It's gotta be at least thrifty feet." Jonathan murmurs as he chews on his thumb.

"Yeah, it kind of destroyed your place, sorry." Lucas apologizes to him, causing Hopper to sigh and roll his eyes.

"How hundred percent sure that this thing is still out there, is it still alive?"

"Well, we beat the shit out of it, but it's still out there." Richie breathes shallowly as he leans his head against Eddie's shoulder. "But, if we're able to close the gate, we can kill it."

Murray runs towards them, waving his hands around wildly. He slams a few papers onto a table near them; everyone crowding around. In front of the group's eyes were makeshift blueprints. "This is what Alexei called the hub, this can take us into the vault room."

Hopper nods his head, running his hand over his chin. "Alright, alright, good, but where's the gate?"

"I think it's right next to the vault room, maybe about fifty feet or so." Erica suddenly scoffs at him, shaking her head.

"Yeah, more like five hundred feet. You're really just going to waltz in there like it's a commie Disneyland?"

"I'm sorry who the hell are you?"

"Uh, Erica Sinclair, and who the hell are you?" She says matter of factly at him.

"Murray Bauman."

"Alright then, listen, Mr. Bunman, I'm not trying to tell you how to do things, but I've been down in that shithole for twenty - four hours. And with all due respect, if you do what this man tells you, you're all going to die."

"I'm sorry, but why is this four-year-old speaking to me?"

"Um, hello, I'm ten you bald bastard." Lucas shouts at her, being surprised. "Hey, it's just the facts."

"She's right though, you're all going to die, but you don't have to." Dustin grabs onto the paper "Okay, this right here is a storage facility, it has a hatch that goes into the ventilation system. Then, that will lead you right to the base of the weapon. It's a maze, but between us," He points his finger and Erica. "we'll be able to show you the way."

"You, are going to show us the way?" Hopper questions with raised eyebrows.

"Yes, you can do all of the fighting and the stupid dangerous hero shit, we'll be the navigators."

Hopper immediately shakes his head. "No." He states, simply. Joyce throws him an intense glace; Hopper quickly changes his answer, placing a walkie-talkie into Dustin's hands. "Alright, you can navigate with this then, but somewhere safe."

"The signal won't reach."

"At least not with this, you're going to need something that has a high enough frequency band to relay with the Russian's radio tower. But, for it to work, you need someone whose seen the comms room and also has access to a super-powered handcrafted radio tower, one that's preferably at the highest point in Hawkins. Oh wait, that's me. We're going to need your car."

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