78. Reunion

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March 25, 1986

"We call him Vecna, okay?" Lucas pleaded, his eyes remaining on the gun that was still pointed at him. "He lives in another dimension. That's why you aren't able to see him."

Beverly's lip trembled as she looked between Lucas and the gun in Jason's hands. "Like, Jason, I understand that his all sounds insane. I know it does, but you gotta believe us."

Even as Beverly tried her best as trying to help him understand what was happening, he didn't seem to be listening. "Okay, and Eddie Munson and his Hellfire acolytes, did you all summon this Vecna?"

"What, no, no," Beverly suddenly shouted, a heavy breath leaving her nose. "you're not listening, Jason. This isn't a cult, there never has been one."

Jason scuffed, his grip tightened ever so slightly around the handle of the gun. "And you two expect me to believe that?"

"It's because it's the truth, man!"

"Then why was Chrissy at Eddie's trailer, huh?"

"She was buying drugs, from him, okay."

"LIAR!" He suddenly took off the safety, the loud click making Beverly's heart race.

"Chrissy, she was seeing things." Beverly spoke softly, slowly moving up towards Lucas, hoping to push him behind her if anything were to go wrong. "They were terrible, Vecna, he was forcing her to see these things. She was just scared. All she wanted was some help."

His lip quivered, he quickly shaked his head. "No, now that's how I know you're lying. If Chrissy was scared, if, if she wanted, or needed help she would have come to me! Not Eddie, not that freak! She wouldn't."

Beverly held up a hand, her other slightly pushing Lucas back, making sure he was as far away from that gun as she could get him. "You're wrong, Jason. You're wrong about Eddie, and you're wrong about Chrissy. See," She took in a deep breath, her heart was pounding so hard against her chest that she was worried it would jump out at any moment. "I was the same way Chrissy was. You see, my dad, he was extremely abusive, physically and, and-" She took in another extremely deep and long breath. Her lip quivered, her eyes shined brightly even in the dim lighting. She never talked about this. "and sexually. He hurt me a lot, and I never wanted to ask someone else for help. Never. I didn't want to be a burden.

She could tell now that Jason's body was starting to become less tense. "What I ended up turning to was cigarettes, and once that didn't help anymore I started doing drugs. I was scared and felt alone, but I never went to someone. I didn't stop until my best friends notice the changes and finally went to child services about my dad. And you want to know something? One of those friends was Richie Tozier." A flash of recognition went across his face. "Yep, that's right, the Wheeler's cousin, and one of Eddie's friends. He would never hurt someone, nor would he ever allow someone to hurt somebody else."

A shaked his head yet again, Beverly could tell he wanted to listen, however, he has more anger and hatred for Eddie and Hellfire to be willing to listen to her. "I can't believe you." Lucas suddenly spoke, making Jason's attention shift away from Beverly and to his teammate. "I really thought that I wanted to be like you. I wanted to be popular, normal. But it turns out, normal's just a fucking raging psychopath." He sneered.

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