77. The Piggyback (part 2)

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March 25, 1986

Lucas bent down in front of Max, his eyes going wide. Both he and Beverly could see the slight shake of her body and her eyes were rolling back inside of her head. Vecna had her, and she's been under for a long time. "Shit!" Lucas bolted up from the floor, flashlight in hand as he ran straight for the window, they needed to signal Erica.

Beverly still remained by her side, a hand on top of the younger teen's shoulder, offering comfort even if she didn't know she was there. "You got this Max, alright? You got this!" She whispered sweet nothings into Max's ear. She didn't care that the redhead couldn't hear her, she was going to do anything she can to make sure she gets out of there.

"Come on, Erica." Lucas mumbled under his breath.

Beverly looked up at Lucas with hopeful eyes, hoping his younger sister was seeing their signal. That was until she immediately turned her head once she heard footsteps behind them. "Oh shit." She breathed out, standing up to her feet, attempting to shield Max from Jason Carver's view.

Lucas swiftly walked away from the window and forward, holding out his hands. "Hey, hey, hey, Jason, you can't be here right now, man."

Jason's eyes glistened in the dull lighting, his eyes remaining on Max's trembling figure. "What are you doing?" He whispered, wild eyes shifting between Beverly and his teammate. "Is this what you did to Chrissy?" He stepped forward, attempting to grab onto Max, but Beverly quickly pushed him back.

"Look, you can't be here, alright? This is really important that you aren't here." Beverly quickly explained, but this only earned her a hard shove from the man, making her lose her balance and fall onto the floor right on top of her back, knocking the wind out of her.

Jason bent down beside Max, placing a hand on the small of her back. "Hey, hey can you hear me?"

"Jason, you need to go!" Lucas' grip tightened around the flashlight in his hands, biting at his lip almost in anticipation. "Jason, look don't touch her."

The basketball player only ignored the teenager's pleas, he only wanted to help Max at the moment. "Hey, please?" He waved a hand in front of the girl's face, hoping this would unlock her from this trance she was under. "Come on, can you hear me?"

"Jason, please, I'm not messing around," Lucas shouted now, he walked forward trying to grab hold of his teammate's arm but this only caused the older teen to jump from the floor in hysteria. Beverly yelped from terror as she watched him retrieve a gun from his back pocket, pointing it straight at Lucas.


Lucas immediately held up his hands in defense, Beverly could see his hands shake and his lip tremble. "Look, you don't have to do this okay, man?"

Beverly slowly stood from the floor, regaining her footing. "Jason, I understand none of this makes sense alright, I get it. But you really need to listen to us." She spoke softly and slowly, hoping to get her words through his head.

However, her words were just ignored. "Is there anyone else in the house?"

"No." Both she and Lucas spoke at the same time.

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