53. Who's Flayed?

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July 3, 1985

Jonathan suddenly wakes up as the phone rings loudly. He lets out a groan as he looks at the clock, it wasn't even six in the morning. He lays his head back down on his pillow, choosing to ignore it. However, the phone rings again.

Jonathan jumps out of bed, stomping his feet as he walks out of the hall, answering the phone. He puts it towards his ear. "Hello?" He says groggy, he was clearly annoyed. He began to lean his forehead against the wall, closing his eyes. But, he opens his eyes slowly as he hears Nancy's voice through the telephone. "Do you realize what fucking time it is?"

"Please, just listen to me, Jonathan."

"It's six o'clock, and I had a late-night." Jonathan's voice begins to drag on, he just wanted to go back to sleep.

"I'm at the hospital with Driscoll-" Jonathan immediately seems slightly more awake as he hears Nancy's words. "She's been sedated for a few hours now, but the doctors told me they're still running tests."

Jonathan lets out a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Nancy, for the love of god, please tell me you're joking."

"No, it isn't a joke. I know I'm insane and I'm irrational, but save your fucking lecture because I could give a shit right now." Nancy pauses and lets out a heavy breath. She closes her eyes for a few seconds then opened them. "Jonathan, I need you to put me on the phone with your brother, please."

"Well, I'm sorry cause he's not even here."

Nancy's heart immediately drops inside her chest. "Where is he? Is he safe?" She says worry was written in her voice. She needed to know desperately where he was. She needed to make sure Will was safe.

Jonathan's eyes begin to open wider, his pupils slightly dilating. "Why wouldn't he be safe? Nancy, why wouldn't he be safe?" Jonathan begins to shout.


Joyce stared at the man in the white shirt as he was handcuffed to a tree. She was trying to explain to him about the magnets. Meanwhile, Hopper was trying to fix the car, the engine had blown out, smoke was going everywhere. The three of them had broken down in the middle of a forest. Luckily, the man back at the Hess's house didn't follow them.

"So, magnet, magnets," Joyce said slowly, she was trying desperately to get the man to understand her. But she hasn't been able to make any progress. "um, do you know magnets?" He looks at her through his glasses, but then he nods, repeating her, only slightly different. "Yes, magnate! So, the magnate on my fridge, they just-" She stops talking as she drops the rocks onto the ground. "They just fell, the magnetize just stopped working. Do you understand?" She looks towards him with raised eyebrows, she sighs hoping he understood her.

The man looks at Joyce, beginning to nod his head up and down. "Okay, so is that causes by the machines you're working on then?" Joyce starts to make a rumbling sound with her mouth, trying to imitate a machine.

The man looks at her, then begins to repeat Joyce, pointing towards the car. She lets out a sigh as she shakes her head. "I'm sorry, but I'm not talking about the car. I'm talking about machines, the machines where we kidnapped you." The man's eyebrows begin to knit in confusion, he was trying to understand what she was saying, but he had no luck.

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