25. The Shining

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December 19, 1984

Will let out a heavy breath, rubbing his eyes. As he finished explaining the last part of what really happened in Hawkins. "Well, that's our story, Richie."

Richie slowly started to nod. "Well can't say I've heard stranger things, it's definitely a lot. Guess fucking small towns do have some shit going on." He laughed slightly, Richie paused. "You guys kept talking about this Steve guy. This isn't Steve Harrington, right?"

"Yeah, it's Harrington. Why? Is that a problem?" Dustin quickly replies.

"No, it's just Robin mentioned him before." Richie said grimly. He squeezes his fist tightly together causing his knuckles to turn white.

How great could this guy fucking be? Richie thought, being confused about this 'Steve' guy. He's probably just a dick considering the shit Robin's told me. But then again, it sounds like he would be willing to help us.

"Do you think he would be willing to help us?"

"I'm not totally sure. But we can talk to him at school tomorrow." Nancy replied.

Max sighed as she turned towards Richie. "Richie, you said you had felt weird around the woods where Will had gone missing. What exactly do you mean?"

"Right well it's sort of like this thing that the losers and me have. It's where we can see things without being there. Things from both the past and mainly the future."

Hopper scrunched his face being confused. "And the rest of your friends aren't from the lab?"

Richie chuckles. "Shit no we're all fucking normal well normal for people in Derry. I mean one of my friends was fucking born in his grandpa's barn. Hell, I thought I was like Mikey over there." Mike shouts, causing laughter to go over the room. "I thought I was normal until I saw this shit on my arm." He explains pointing towards his arm.

Richie slowly starts to bounce his leg from having to sit for too long. "But as I was saying that's not the only thing we can do. We can also communicate with each other through our heads. And along with that, we can sense when something has happened here. Like once I came down here to Hawkins my friends knew something was wrong about this place. And that my friends is called the shining." 

Everyone looked bewildered. "The shining?" Jonathan asked.

"Yeah a couple of years ago during the summer we all went down to visit Beverly and we met this kid. God his name was." Richie starts to tap his nose out of anxiety, forgetting his name even though he would never forget this encounter. He starts to snap his fingers. "Danny! Danny Torrance. He was probably around ten or so. We all just knew, we could sense that we were the same. So we begin to talk to him."

"He beings to explain since he was really young that he would see things. Things that scared him to death and how 'Tony' would tell him things. Him and his parents never knew what was going on with Danny. That is until his father got a job at the Overlook Hotel in Colorado."

Hopper's eyes widen. "The Overlook Hotel?"

"So you've heard of it?"

"Jesus kid of course I've fucking heard of it. It's just one of the most known hotels for having countless murders and having the fucking mafia there."

Everyone was shocked by this new information. "God, well no wonder this kid went through this. Well once they got to the hotel a worker talked to Danny, sharing that he has the same power as him which has been called the shining." Richie stops talking thinking everyone was done listening now that they knew what the shine was.

"Is that the rest of the story?" Lucas asked being confused at the end of Richie's talk.

"Oh god no. There's a lot more. Are you guys wanting to hear the rest of it?"

Everyone started to nod and replies went around the cabin. "Alright then once all of the workers left for the winter, the hotel I guess you could say started to come to life really, Danny began to see shit but not because of the shine, it was the hotel itself. Fire hoses chasing him, getting visions of a word Redrum, a corpse from a room even tried to strangle the kid."

"But the worse part was his father was beginning to change. He seemed as if something was possessing him, but the worst started when his father Jack has attempted to strangle his mother Wendy, Danny, and her locked him away but something let him out. Danny didn't know until 'Tony' had warned him. And turns out 'Tony' all along was just Danny's older self coming to warn him."

Everyone in the room had raised eyebrows being surprised. "Jack then found Danny, Danny was able to bring Jack back for only a few seconds Jack knew what was going on, he was able to tell his son to run before the hotel finally had control over his entire body. The kid was able to distract his father and both his mother and he made it out right before the hotel's boiler exploded killing his father."

Everyone's mouth hung open, being terrified from the story. "Do you have anything else to tell us?" Mike asked.

Richie nodded. "Well, I guess it's time to share about my time in the lab."


Author's note

If any of you are confused about some of the story for the shining it's because I'm going off of the book not the movie

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