24. The True Story

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December 19, 1984

Richie set the phone back feeling relieved hearing that the losers will try and be here to help tonight. He turned seeing everyone staring at him. The boy let out a breath and began walking slowly towards the couch swaying slightly.

"Suppose you shitheads deserve an explanation."

"No shit." Dustin said. Richie laughs from Dustin's expression.

Richie sat down beside Will and groaned. "God, where do I even begin?"

"Just start from the very beginning." Jonathan expressed.

"Alright. It first began when Bill's little brother, Georgie, had gone missing. The police only looked for a week and pronounced him dead. About a year later Bill was still in denial. So during the start of the summer of 1980, he had Eddie, Stanley, and me look around the swears since that was where Georgie was last seen. That was when we met Ben." He sighed trying to remember what had happened next.

Richie pinched the bridge of his nose trying to gain any memory. He nodded remembering again. But being worried as to why he couldn't remember. Then again the same thing happened to Beverly when she went to live with her Aunt. But her memories came back as so as she entered Derry again. "Oh as I was saying we had met Ben while looking for Georgia. Henry Bowers and his goons chased him and Henry had tried carving his name in Ben's stomach."

"Wait isn't Henry Bowers the guy who went on the murder spree?" Mike questioned.

"I lied about that all of those dead kids were really just killed by the clown but Henry stabbing his dad is true."

Lucas scrunched his eyebrows together forming a line. "Where is he now"

"He's in an asylum now since the police think he killed all of those kids." Everyone nodded understanding now. "Well after that we went to the drug store so Eddie could patch Ben up, that's how we had met Beverly. We didn't have enough money so Bev made a distraction so Stan, Eddie, and Bill could sneak out."

"Then the next day we all went out to the quarry. Ben then had told us that people in Derry die six times the national average and that had just been adults. Kids are way worse."

Hopper began to murmur softly. "My god."

"The next day Bev called us her bathroom was covered head to toe in blood but the weird thing about it was her dad wasn't able to see it. After we cleaned it Stan, Bill, Eddie, and Ben had said they also had seen something but they each saw something different. That's how we met Mike."

"Henry and his gang were attacking Mike by a stream until Bev had thrown a rock at Henry. Which led to us having a rock war." Richie lets out a chuckle remembering the war they had against the Bowers gang.

"This is when we had realized we needed to stick together. But we had realized that everything we were really seeing was our greatest fears. So far everyone's seen something besides me. Finding out that this all happens every twenty-seven years.."

Richie breaths in and out letting memories come into his head. "One day at Bill's we found out that everything happens nears the swears and connects to Derry's well house. Bill had rushed to the house but only me, Eddie, and Bill went in. But me and Bill got separated from Eddie which led to Bill and me getting separated. I then finally saw It for the first time."

"After I got back to Bill we found Eddie but It found him first. The others came in just as we did. I tried to fight back by stabbing him but it only hurt him. We were able to get out but Eddie broke his arm. That's when his mom came talking shit about us saying it was our fault for Eddie breaking his arm."

"Me and Bill ended up getting in a big fight because he wanted to go back. I thought he was fucking crazy for wanting to go back considering Eddie was almost killed. We ended up not talking for over two months."

Richie paused from the story rubbing his hand over his lip. "Until one day I was going to go over to Stanley's. I was about to leave my place but things with my dad got out of hand." Richie breathed in remembering the slurs his father threw at him multiple times.

"I knocked my dad out I turned to see Pennywise then I blacked out. When I woke up I was in Its hideout. Many missing kids floating in the air. Then the clown starting to dance. I thought he was distracted so I tried to run."

"But he was quicker he grabbed me until his jaw began to extend. I saw three bright lights then everything went blank. The last thing I remember is when I woke up seeing Eddie standing in front of me. That's when It wanted to make a trade with us."

"He was going to take Bill in order for us to leave. I then tricked it into thinking I was going to make the deal until I hit him with a baseball bat." Richie giggles remembering that encounter.

"Welcome to the losers club asshole." Richie yelled slamming the bat into Pennywise's face.

"That's how we defeated him. By not showing our fear. One It was dead all if the kids started to float down. Bill eventually found Georgie's raincoat knowing that It had got him. After that, we did a blood oath swearing that if Its not dead we will come back." Richie raises his left palm showing off his scar.

"Well, that was only four years ago. I just don't understand why It is here in Hawkins. Since any time something like this happened in Derry, it was every twenty-seven years." Richie explained finishing his story.

"It could be connected to the upside-down." Lucas thought out loud.

"That's possible guess we have something to explain as well." Max said.

Richie questioned Max's phrase. "Is that what you guys call the dark place?"

Mike looked bewildered. "How do?"

Richie quickly cut him off. "Got to remember Cricket I'm from the lab here."

Dustin nodded. "Well then it all started in 1983 when we were playing dungeons and dragons."

Authors notes

Hi. Bye. 🐸

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