29. Steve the Hair Harrington

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December 20, 1984

Richie, Nancy, and Jonathan sat in front of Steve Harrington. Richie frowned looking at him as he fixed his hair. "So is it naturally like that or are you just blessed by the fucking hair gods?"

Steve gulped and bit the bottom of his lip. "Excuse me?"

"Your hair is." Nancy slapped her hand over his mouth muffling his voice.

"Jesus do you ever stop fucking talking, I swear to god you're the only thing I ever hear anymore." Richie squint's at her. He starts to talk, his voice still muffled, he knows she's not going to remove her hand so he licks Nancy's hand.

She squeals ripping her hand off of him and she jumps from her seat. "You dick!" She starts wiping her hand on her skirt. "I won't fucking hesitate to fight you." This causes Richie to jump from his seat as well.

He holds out his hands in front of him turning them into a fist. "You want to go Nancy. Cause I will fucking bitch slap you right now." Jonathan groans and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Will you two just stop, will still haven't told Steve shit about what's going on." The two cousins glare at each other as they both sit back down.

Steve swallows thickly as he stares at the two fighting cousins. "Are they usually like this?" He points to the pair. Jonathan groans and nods. "So what was it that you wanted to tell me?"

Richie all of a sudden gets serious his face becoming slack. "You sure it's fine if I tell him?" He asks directed towards Nancy, she and Jonathan nod. "Alright, so if I told you a demon clown was running around little Hawkins, eating kids would you believe me?"

Steve's eyes go wide and become glossy. Shock was written on his face. He lets out a heavy breath. "It is pretty fucking hard to believe." He starts to chuckle. But he slowly quite's down as he realizes no one is laughing with him. "Wait your all serious?" Everyone nods.

"Guess Richie has a story to tell you." Jonathan says as he nudges Richie's shoulder.

"Well, it all started the year 1979 when my friend Bill's little brother went missing." Richie began.


"Holy shit." Steve exclaimed jumping from his chair. "I can't do this." He starts to open the door but the handle slips from his hand and the door slams Richie appearing in front of him.

Richie was growing both impatient and agitated. "Sit, back, down right fucking now!" He gasps as he starts to walk backward slowly. He started to sit back down not realizing his chair was no longer behind him. Richie stops him before he falls on his ass.

"Oh my god. Holy shit. What the fuck!" Steve shouts.

"Next time look behind you so you don't break your ass." He looks behind him as he scoots the chair so he can sit.

Steve lets out a breath, him being slightly shaky. "You're like fucking El?"

"Way to state the obvious Sherlock."Richie groans and whispers. "Боже, он больше гребаный идиот, чем Робин сказал, что он был." (God, he's more of a fucking idiot than Robin said he was.) 

Everyone in the room looks at him confused, him not whispering very well. "The fuck was that Rich?" Nancy asked.

He shakes his head. "Don't worry about Drew."

Nancy chooses to ignore him. "So Steve will you help us?"

Steve closes his eyes tightly and tilts his head to the side a little then runs a hand through his hair. "Alright, I'll do it."


December 21, 1984

The losers all walked off of the train their bags in hand. All of their eyes are slightly droopy considering it's almost two in the morning. Eddie starts to stretch and yawn the losers soon following. Eddie glances at his watch seeing they arrived right on time. "Do any of you see in Richie?"

They all start to look around the station hoping to catch sight of their friend. Everyone shakes their hand and answers no. Until they all hear shouting. "Oh, my fucking god Cricket can you can any slower?" Everyone in the group starts to grin knowing exactly who that voice belongs to.

Beverly cups her hands around her mouth and starts to shout. "Now isn't that the trashmouth we all know and love!" This causes Richie to whip around turning toward the losers.

His eyes widen as he sees his friends he grins and he starts to run towards the losers. Running into Eddie and Beverly. Then he backs away grinning from ear to ear at Beverly. "Beverly my love!" He shouts.

"Richie my one and only!" She shouts back. Then Richie gives her a sloppy kiss on the lips. Nancy and Mike (w) turn their heads to each other their face filled with shock. But the losers remained unfazed, they were used to this kind of behavior from the two of them.

"Uh, I didn't realize that Beverly was your girlfriend Richie." Nancy says. Richie and Beverly bust out laughing.

"Like I would date this shithead." Richie grins.

"I would never date Molly Ringwald." He smirks towards Beverly causing her to flip him off. Both of Richie's cousin's eyebrows furrowed being very confused by Richie and Beverly's actions.

Richie starts to shout again as he holds out his arms. "Alright enough of that come here you fucking losers." Eddie lets out a chuckle seeing passengers from their train staring at Richie.

The losers all run to each other and wrap into a group hug. "Я скучал по вам, ребята." (I missed you guys.)

The group pulls away as Richie drapes his arms around Beverly and Eddie. "Alright, bitches let's go!" Richie shouts in his britsh accent.

"God I didn't fucking miss that." Eddie says.

"Oh please, Eddie you love it." Richie says nudging Eddie's hip.

Eddie glares at him. "Отвяжись!" (fuck off)


Author's note

Hello everyone as you can tell this is posted on Tuesday instead of Friday. But I have been officially been on my summer break for a while now so I finally have enough time to write more. So the new writing schedule will be every Tuesday and Friday.

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