36. Finally Out

587 23 36

March 1, 1985


"I saw Ichie and Eddie kwising. It was nasty. How come you's and Daddy don't do that?"


Richie, Eddie, and Nancy all froze. Richie's breath got caught in his throat. Karen looked up from Holly with wide eyes. The basement door opened Mike walking out the door looking confused from all the shouting that happened only moments ago.

"Nancy, take Holly down to the basement." Nancy's eyes shifted from the two teen boys and her mother.

"Mom, I-" Nancy was cut off by Karen shouting at her. Causing Richie to jump slightly.

"Now Nancy! I want to talk to the boys alone." Nancy grabbed Holly and pulled Mike by the shirt down into the basement closing the door behind her. She was worried. She didn't know what was going to happen to Richie.

Nancy doesn't know how Karen feels about the whole 'gay' people thing. And she was absolutely petrified that her mother was going to kick her cousin out.

Karen looked at Richie and Eddie before finally speaking.

"Here why don't you two sit on the couch." Richie was frozen in place so Eddie grasped Richie's shirt and lead the two of them to the couch. Richie staring at Eddie slightly bewildered.

How is he being so calm? Richie thought to himself.

In all honesty, Eddie was absolutely terrified at the moment. He was trying his best not to show it. He needs to be strong. He has to be strong for him. For Richie.

The two sat on the couch as Karen pulled a chair from the dining room in front of them.

"Listen uh, Mrs. wheeler I don't know what Holly's talking about." Eddie says. He nudges Richie on the shoulder urging Richie to help him. Richie quickly nods shakily.

"Yeah, Auntie I don't know what she's talking about." Richie starts to stutter and fumble over his words. Trying his best to explain the situation without outing the two of them. Karen just shakes her head and flashes them a small but kind smile.

"Richie, Eddie. I already knew." The two boys freeze and look up into her eyes.

"What?" Richie asks staring blankly.

"I already knew you two were dating. I see the way you two look at each other. I don't care if you like boys, girls, dogs, uh actually maybe not like dogs, oh never mind. But I see how happy you make each other that's all that matters to me." Karen starts to shift her eyes before smiling again. "But you seriously couldn't have done better?" She says eyeing the two teenagers.

"Hey! Don't say that I love him!" Richie shouts heatedly. Making Karen laugh.

"I was talking to Eddie." Karen answers back. Eddie starts to laugh loudly Karen joining in. Richie frowns and crosses his arms in front of his chest.

"Aww what Chee, you jealous that your Aunt likes me better than you?"

"What no!" Richie says bitterly but Richie couldn't help but grin.

"Aww, I'm just joking." Karen gets up from her chair and brings Richie and Eddie into a hug. She pulls away from the two and sets her hands on one of Richie's shoulders. "I'm sorry that this was the way you two had to come out. I wished you two could have been the ones to come to me and tell me. But just remember I support both of you. Your uncle as well Richie."

"Thanks, Auntie." Richie wraps his arms around her and brings her into a hug.

The two pull away from each other both having huge smiles on their faces. And Eddie couldn't help but smile as well.

"Alright, you two go on now. I got to talk to Holly about not meddling in people's business." Richie and Eddie chuckled as they got up from the couch. "Oh and also no need to hide about doing stuff anymore. Like you two and kiss and hold hands in front of us now."

Richie and Eddie both nod their head. Richie then grasps Eddie's hand into his. Smiling at Eddie. Richie was beyond happy that he can finally show affection towards Eddie in front of his Aunt now.

Nancy and Mike both had their ear pressed to the basement door. In hopes, they would hear the conversation that was going between this mother and their cousin and Eddie. But they couldn't really catch any words. Everything was muffled.

"Ow Mike! You stepped on my fucking toe!" Nancy whispered yelled.

"Shut the fu-" Mike was cut off by both him and Nancy yelled as the basement door was opened causing both of them to fall onto the floor. They turned their head up. Looking straight at Karen's face. Richie and Eddie laughing in the background.


Richie laid awake in his bed as Eddie laid by his side. Richie had his hand in Eddie's hair playing with it. Richie let out a sigh. He was happy that his Aunt was fine with him and Eddie's relationship.

He was glad Karen didn't care about who he liked. Sure he wished that he could have told Karen on his own time but he supposes that Holly actually helped him and Eddie. Richie felt like a relief was off of his shoulders now. He felt less stressed now.

He felt like he can be himself now in front of Karen and Ted. Richie smiled and started to rub Eddie's arm.

"Eddie, can I ask you something?" Eddie groaned as he mumbled into Richie's chest.

"What do want?" Eddie answered as he stretched and yawned.

"Do you think that you would ever marry me?" Eddie immediately wakes up.


Author's note

Sorry, this chapter is short and I feel that this chapter isn't great.

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐇𝐚𝐰𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐫Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon