honeymoon day 4

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Jacob pov:

I woke up and went to go fix me some cereal. In tired of cooking everyday. I fixed me 3 bowls of tricks cereal. Big ass bowls while watching empire. This show is life. When I finished I washed my bowl out and got me a banana and went to take a shower. Brielle was still sleeping and from the looks of it she had dried up tears on her cheeks. If anything I should be the one crying. Shit she is the one who's acting careless so I'm not giving a fuck about her tears right now. I took my shower and then I put on my swimming trunks and grabbed a towel. I left the room and went down to the pool. Good thing noone was down here. I got out my notebook my rocks and my soothing music. I layed them on the table and started the music. I started meditating. Exactly what I needed. Peace and quite. For atleast 3 hours. This keeps me calm. Especially when I'm sad and mad as hell. Gosh this isn't supposed to be happening. We just got married and she's giving me hell already. Damn shouldn't I be the one messing up I'm the man. She's the woman but she's the one who's being a damn hoe kind of. Well acting like it. This side of bri I never knew and I don't like it. I just needed my mind clear from all of this and just focus on nothing but peace. I inhaled and exhaled really slowly and cleared my mind. I started just sitting there. I was now in my zone. No interruptions.  Just me and my peace and love.

3 hours later

I walked back into the room. I actually didn't go swimming but I just wanted peace. And that's what I got. I changed into some black basketball shorts and a white tank top. I put my black socks on with my nike slides. I sat on the couch and bri came out the room in some pink shorts and a white tank top. "Where were you" she asked. "I was meditating" "look babe im sorry once again. All I been trying to do is have fun but I keep doing stuff to piss you off and it's not on purpose I just don't be thinking before I do something. And I'm truly sorry. I love you jacob." She said

"I love you too brielle. But you have to show me better then telling me. Cause saying sorry isn't going to make me feel better just that quick. So yea" I turned the basketball game on and started watching. I just wanted to be left alone today. No talking. No listening. No answering. No looking. No nothing. Just me and my basketball game.

Brielle pov:

I know jacobs pissed the fuck off at me. He is very mad cause he doesn't really speak at all if he is mad cause he might hurt something or someone. So he's zoning out today. And I'm going to let him. I wanted to go to the spa today and get my nails done as well but I didn't want jacob even more mad that I left and he doesn't know where I'm going. So I decided to just fix lunch. I fixed chicken. Mac n cheese. And mashed potatoes and gravy. I had jacobs plate on the counter and I went in the room with my plate and watched some tv. I decided to text jacob and tell him his food is done.

Bri: babe your foods ready it's on the counter. Love ya❤

Jacob: mhm thank you.

Bri: how you feeling?

Jacob: im fine. Food looks good. Thanks again. Now stop texting please. G2g.

I sighed and continued eating my food watching tv. This is going to be one boring long ass day.

4 hours has passed and jacob was still on the couch but he was sleep. So I went and turned off the living room tv and took his empty plate to the sink. He was laying down on the couch so I got him a blanket and covered him up with it. I went back in the room and called my mom.

"Hello" "hey mom" "hey bri how's it going in hawaii" "Not so good" "and why is that" "because me and jacob has been getting Into it lately and it's because of me" "what did you do brielle" "well first I told him I don't want anymore kids. Second I met a guy and let him touch all on me at the beach and I almost went home with him. Third last night at the club jacob fought that same dude and beat him up for dancing with me." "Brielle your grown. Your married you know what jacob likes and what he doesnt. You just got married and already acting stupid. Now you know I don't take sides but jacob should be mad at you. He's been good to you lately and your just treating him like shit. You should respect that he wants more children that's your husband. And as far as this dude you met. Stay away from him he probably just wants your goodies and that's it. Your married so no other man should matter. Just do right and I'll the arguing would stop. Brielle you already know this. So get it together." "Ok I will mom. I'll talk to you later" "alright and next time I hear from you it better be good with you and jacob. No funny shit brielle. You know I love my son in law." "Alright mom" I hung up and sighed. I need to get it together. Everything my mom said jacob already yelled at me about it. It's just crazy.

I walked into the living room and jacob was on the phone with the twins again. He was smiling so hard. Which made me smile. He loves the kids. I walked back to the room and got in bed. I soon drifted off to sleep. I just need rest. Today was a lazy boring day. But I understand that jacob didn't want to go out today do to the precious events that took place.

Jacob pov:

After talking to my babies. I was happy. They made my day and cheered me up. I got up and looked at my watch it was 7 pm. Damn it's been a long day. And I slept most of it away. I'm not even mad at bri nomore. I can't stay mad at my wife for long. I just hope she realize she's hurting me and get it together. Cause I don't want to leave hawaii mad. I want to be happy. Like we supposed to be.

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