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Ctfu🤣😂😅 ok before reading this chapter. The music I have above makes this chapter creepy, just saying.

Sidenote: I know mindless behavior is broken up but I still love the originals and I'm still going to write more books about them because I miss the original mindless behavior. Shoutout to roc royal. Princeton. Prodigy. And ray ray.

Chres pov:
For some reason, lately I have been an emotional wreck. I finally made it official with me and desiree and we have really kicked it off good with lots of sex. I must say I think she is pregnant. We just have sex so much and that's it. I don't even think we love each other, I think it's all about sex. I don't feel the way i feel for bri, for desiree. Her sex is good but nothing else like I thought at first. I think I'm truly still in love with brielle. Oh my gosh, I can't even fight it anymore, I really want her so much, I have to express my feelings to her. Like today, if desiree is pregnant I don't think I want to be with her, I just want to co-parent. I want brielle!

Brielle pov:
Lately, I have been having these dreams about someone Killin me or jacob and it's been freaking me out badly. I went to my doctor, he ran test on me to see if anything is wrong. He told me I was depressed so he gave me depression pills. I think those pills made me paranoid. I finished all of them and now I'm back to normal. I explained everything to my mom and Jacob and they said it was the depression pills. Yea, there right, no one would want to hurt me and jacob, plus I was just paranoid. The only one who scared me was Diggy. And he's dead. So I'm good. I'm not scared anymore. "Babe im going to the store, I'll be back, okay" Jacob said. Kissing me. "Okay babe." He went ahead to the store.

Soon I got a call from chres. "Hello" I said. "Bri can I please come talk to you asap? I really need to talk to you about something important! Can we meet up somewhere?" Chres said. "Yea, is everything ok?" I asked him concerned now. "Yea it's all good, but where is Jacob? I need you to be alone" I scrunched up my face and looked at the phone. " Jacob went to the store real fast so I'll meet you at your house in 5 minutes" he said ok and we hung up. Chres is acting really weird. I text Jacob and told him I'll be back soon. He asked where was I going and I told him to see my friend real fast.

I left out the house and got in my hero headed to chres house. Once I pulled in his driveway, he was standing outside his door smiling at me hard with some sweatpants on and no shirt. Why does he not have a shirt on?!. That body of his is so damn sexy!!! I mean I'm married to Jacob and I love my husband but it's ok to call another man sexy. It's harmless.

I snapped out of my thoughts and got out the car going up to his door. "Hey miss lady" he smiled giving me a hug. " hi chres, where is your shirt at?" "This is my comfort zone I wear what I want to" he said leading me inside. I sat on the couch and he sat next to me. "So I wanted to tell you that I can't hold this in nomore. I love you and I know you think I'm crazy and you won't accept it due to the fact that your married to the homie and when you was feeling me I shut you out like you didn't exist but now I regret it all I really want you and only you. I feel like I want to just fuck up your marriage just to be with you. Bri I love you I will kill for you. Whatever you need me to do, I'll do it. Can I have you?" I was in shock. "Where'd this come from chres? Me and you don't even talk like that no more" " I know but we can keep it a secret and talk again" I looked at him like he was crazy. He stood up. " so you mean to tell me you don't miss this big dick in your pussy? Or this sexy ass body of mine all over yours? Or these juicy ass lips on your lips kissing them." "No I don't Chres" I stood up about to leave but he forcefully gripped my arm tightly pulling me against the wall. " if you don't remember how bad you used to want me then I will show you and make you remember" he said whispering in my ear. That kind of made me weak but I instantly snapped out of it. " nigga get the fuck off of me and let me go. He put his dick on my body and came closer to my face. His lips were so close to mine by now. " you do as I say. Or I will kill yo husband!!" A tear rolled down my face after hearing Chres threaten his own friend. " Chres your scaring me. Stop it!!!" I yelled trying to get away. But he's so strong he held my wrist tighter and he was hurting me. I started crying even harder. " Chres!! Ouch!!! Your hurting my wrist." I cried out. He had the most evil angry look staring into my eyes. He didn't say anything he just kissed my lips. Turned my face the other way and he kissed and sucked on my neck. He let go of one of my arms and moved his hand down to my breast and started rubbing them. I tried kicking him in his dick but he let go of my other arm and put his hand around my neck. I was so scared and I couldn't breathe. " Chres i ca-can't breathe!!" I said. He put his other hand on my vagina and started rubbing me through my panties. I let a natural moan and he smiled. He let go of me and looked into my eyes. I tried running out the door but he slammed my body into the wall again. " oh no now it's time for some play time." He picked me up and took me upstairs to his bedroom. I was kicking and screaming at this point. He threw me down on his bed and he stripped out of his clothes. He came close to me and I kicked him as hard as I could in his dick and ran out the room down the stairs. Before I made it he pushed my head into the door and I blacked out.

Jacob pov:
I have been home for the past 40 minutes and Bri still isn't back yet. I have been blowing her phone up but no answer. Wtf i she doing. I went to my iPhone tracker and found her location. I got in my car and drove to the destination. I got out and looked up and I was right here at Chres house. Why the hell is she at his house?

I got out and ran up to his house and banged on the door but no one answered. So I twisted the door knob and it opened right away. My heart almost jumped out of my chest at the site I saw. My baby, my wife was layed there on the ground bleeding from her forehead. I was mad but I needed to get her out of here. I lifted her body up and put her on my shoulder and carried her out to my car. I slowly layed her in the backseat and went back inside. "Chres where the fuck are you!!!" He didn't say anything so I ran up to his room and he was sitting there on the bed crying. "What did you do to her" I said. "I got out of control and I accidentally hurt her. Jacob I invited her here just to talk. I apologize man. I didn't mean to hurt her. I'm just upset that I really like her and wish I could be with her but she's happy with you" I ran and jumped on him punching him in his face. When I was done I got off of him. "Don't you ever come near my wife again. Next time I won't just punch you." I said storming out taking her to my house to clean up. Once I pulled up I carried her up to our room and then running bath water. I took off her clothes and laid her in it and cleaned her body slowly. I cleaned her wounded head slowly making sure it's not a bad cut or anything. After all the blood was gone off her face she just had a small knot at the top of her forehead. I kissed her cheek and she coughed and opened her eyes. She looked at me and I was smiling so hard. "What happened?" "Chres got beat up by me for hurting you and I told him not to come near you ever again" I told her holding her. I took off my clothes and got in laying her body on mine. We cuddled and talked and eventually washed up and got out. It was a peaceful rest of the night. I can't believe one of my bestfriends would really try to hurt my wife like that. Chres knows he can't have her so he needs to let it go before I have to kill his ass.

Chres pov:
I wasn't suppose to hurt her but my anger got the best of me. Damn and now she hates me and I fucked up. I guess I'll just stay lowkey for a couple months and then go apologize and see if that will work. I guess I'll just focus on Desiree since she seems like the only woman that wants me for me and not my damn money or dick. We shall see.

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