seeing him again.

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Brielle pov:

Today the crew wanted everyone to come over tasha and deanna house to hang and have a barbeque for me and india being back home. So I wanted to look cute. I woke up and leaned to stretch my body out when I felt a body beside me. I looked over to see Jay staring at me with his big bright smile. Oh gosh how I love his smile. I kissed his cheek.

Me: good afternoon love

Jay: good afternoon my love.

Me: haha I'm about to get in the shower so that I can get ready to go to the barbeque.

Jay: oh yea I'll get ready to. Did you want me to put the kids in the tub?

Me: yea if you don't mind?

He got up and walked out the room to go get the kids ready. I'll just see if he can dress my baby like he dresses hisself. I let him dress junior and I dressed briana. When we were done i had briana on her white and blue tank top that said "girls only" on it. With her blue jean shorts. And white sandals. I looked at junior and he had on his white t shirt that says "I'm the man" on it in black. With his blue jean shorts and his white and black jordans. My babies are 5 and they know what Swag Is already. They looked cute.

Me: you guys look cute

Junior: thanks mom now can we go now

Me: hold on me and jay have to get dressed first

Briana: mom when will we be able to see dad again. I really miss dad.

I sat down on her bed next to her while junior stood by the door and listened with a look of sadness on his face.

Me: listen guys. We haven't seen your dad or heard from him in 2 years so you might see him today. But don't be mad at him. Just enjoy the time you spend with him.

Junior: but will you guys ever be back together like when we were little

Me: I don't think so. Me and your dad don't get along anymore.

Junior went to his room and closed the door. I sighed and looked at briana and gave her a hug.

Me: It's ok baby.

Briana: I know but I like you and dad together. And I really miss him. Really.

Me: I know baby it will be ok. Let me go talk to junior real quick.

Briana: ok mama. I'm going to watch tv til you guys are ready

Me: ok baby

I got up and was about to leave her room when she asked me one more question.

Briana: mama are you and your friend jay together?

Me: yes we are baby

Briana: ok mama

I smiled at her and walked to junior door. I knocked and went inside to see him by his window looking out of it with his spiderman toy.

Me: jacob junior look at me

He looked up and I sat on his bed. he sat next to me.

Me: I know you want me and daddy back together but your dad has moved on and so have i. I'm happy with jay and your dad's happy with his woman. You have to just love us both no matter are decision

Junior: but don't you still love dad

Me: I love your dad so much. He was my first everything. But he doesn't want me anymore.

Junior: ok I guess I will just accept it. So you and jay are together?

Me: yea we are.

I stood up and hugged him. I turned to walk out the door and jay was standing there looking at me. He had on his black shirt with the leather sleeves. And his dark blue skinny jeans and his black and white jordans. His curly hair looked fresh and curly. But he looked pissed.

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