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Ray pov:

"Babe let's go check on jacob and bri. I want to make sure there ok and working it out." I said to india as we were driving. "Yea let's go I can't believe bri cheated on jacob like we never would've thought she would do that. I sware bri was 100 percent faithful." India said. "Yea well girls cheat too" I said driving to Jacob and brielle house.

We pulled up after 10 minutes. We got out the car and knocked on the door. We kept knocking and ringing the doorbell. No answer. We opened the door and it seemed noone was home. "Brielle!!" India yelled out. We walked upstairs and into the room. She wasn't there but the bathroom light was on. We walked by the bathroom to see bri on the floor with pills everywhere and foam coming out her mouth. Oh shit. "Call 911" I said to india. She called 911 and stood there looking at the setting. She overdosed.

Jacob pov:

Me and the kids were eating lunch with my mom. She loved us being here. "Kids eat your food so you can be stronger" my mom said to the kids. They ate faster cause they wanted to grow i guess. I laughed and swallowed the pizza in my mouth. My phone started ringing non stop. "Hello" I said into the phone. "Bro it's bri. She overdosed. Me and india came to see you'll and she was out cold in the bathroom. She is unconscious.  Get here. At the hospital she isn't breathing right. We're all here. We just need you here." Ray said into the phone. "On my way" I said. Despite anything between me and brielle I didn't want this to happen. She tried to kill herself. Well if she survives this. "Mom come here for a minute" I said. "Yea jacob" "please can you watch the twins for me bri is in the hospital for suicide so I have to go but I don't want them knowing so can they stay?" I asked my mom. "Jacob just go what kind of question is that. There my grandkids. " she said pushing me out of the house. Well damn. I rushed to my car and was off to the hospital. Gosh I hope she is ok.

I pulled up and parked. I got out and ran in and saw everyone sitting in the emergency  waiting room.  I went over to them and sat down. "Ray how is she?" I asked ray as I sat next to him. "Doctor didn't give us no info yet so I don't know how she is" ray said shaking his head. "Jacob. What is going on with you and my daughter. Why are you guys not talking right now?" Brielle mom asked me. "Well she has been cheating on me with her bestfriend and flirting with dudes and stuff so we're seperated and she hasn't been taking care or paying attention to the kids so I been just at my mom's until she realized what she is losing. But she told me to just get out when I explained she needs to change or were done for good. She just acted like she don't care." I said looking sad. "Yea I have noticed a bad change in her but I never thought my daughter would be like this. She isn't herself and I don't know what changed her. I'm just hurt because I was so happy for you guys getting married and now it's like she's messing it all up. I just hope she fixes that situation." Brielle mom said shaking her head.

"Family of mrs. Brielle perez" the doctor said. We all stood up and he looked at all of us. "Ok first things first we got her breathing again but it's through a tube. It's down her throat. We got her alot of fluids inside her body so that she can breathe on her own. She tried to kill herself by overdosing on depression pills which is very dangerous. She can't go home for a couple weeks she's in a slight coma. So when she wakes up we will be checking on her and waiting for her to wake up." He said to us. I stood there in shock and brielle mom was crying. I went to hug her. And the doctor walked away. Rude ass.

I walked back into my mom's house just feeling really sad at this time. "How is she doing jacob" my mom asked concerned. "She's in a coma mom. She tried to kill herself." I said sitting on the couch with my head in my hands. "Oh gosh. That's just terrible. I really hope and pray she's going to be ok. I love bri like a daughter." My mom said sitting next to me. "I didn't want this to be like this mom. I love her and I told her I'm willing to get back with her and fix our marriage of she fixes her problems. Then I said if not were getting a divorce. That doesn't mean I wanted her to kill herself mom. What do I tell the kids?" I said crying my eyes out by now. This has been alot of stress on me dealing with brielle. "Baby you have to pray. But as far as telling the kids. Just tell them she'll be ok. She's just in the hospital sick. Don't lie to them but also don't tell them she may die. That's too much for kids. Keep it simple." My mom said to me. I love my mom's advice it's the best ever.

2 months later.
4:00 p.m.

Jacob pov:
We were all sitting here chilling. Brielle still haven't woke up and it's been 2 months. I'm really sad but I pray and hope every single day she wakes up. I just want us to be good again I just want her to just be her old self again. I miss her so much. It hurts. "Jacob bro I can't imagine how you feel but we all praying she wakes up bro" chres said patting my shoulder. "Yea I just want her to wake up" I said looking down.

The doctor walked in to Check on us and bri. "She should be waking up any day now. Her heartbeat and breathing is actually better then we thought. She can hear you guys now. We just need her to wake up and check on her so she can be released. Now when we release her she is going to have to be on suicide watch. So who's going to watch her?" The doctor said. Everyone looked at me and brielles mom. I stood up and nodded. "I'll be watching she's my wife." I said sure of my answer. I can help her and maybe if she starts acting like herself again we can work on us because we're still haven't got to enjoy being married. So I want that. If she wants to change.

We were in her room just watching her chest go up and Down. She was breathing slowly. It was crazy how long she been in a coma but they say now she's not anymore she's just sleeping. I'm getting really impatient. "Jacob" she said as we all looked up at her and saw her eyes opened looking around at all of us. I jumped up and hugged her so tight. "I missed you all this time. Are you okay?" I said. "Yea I am I'm just confused. What happened?" Brielle said as she sat up a little bit. " you were in a coma for two months straight because you passed out trying to overdose on pills." Brielle mom said. "Oh my. I remember that. I'm sorry guys I'm stupid for doing that I just felt like leaving since I cheated on jacob with jay and I regret it. And I realized I have been a big bitch to jacob and he's been nothing but good to me. Jacob I'm going to fix us and me. I'm so so sorry I love you." Brielle said staring into my eyes. I just hugged her. gosh I miss her. "I just want you to be ok" I said. Soon the doctor came in and about 3 hours later she was released from the hospital after I signed her out and promised to watch her at all times for a while. This is just something we will have to work on. Hopefully. It's wierd but crazy how it took her to be in the hospital for it to come to this.

Falling hard (jacob perez love story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt