I know

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Jay pov

Brielle chose to call me finally this morning. So I'm on the phone talking to her now. "So jay what the hell made you do that? Why did you just give that letter to him. And on my doorstep really jay" she said mad as hell. "Look you were ignoring me so I figured the only way it can be solved is if I give him that to warn you. That I will tell him." I said smirking. "Jay you can't you said this will be our secret please just don't say anything. Jacob Hates you first off and second that wouldn't be a good outcome. So just keep it on the low." She said. "So if you want me to keep it on the low. What do I get in order to do that" I asked smiling. "Whatever you want jay just don't tell. And I mean it" she said. "Ok fine. I want you at my house in my bed now. Come over and wear a red bra and thong set with a black trench coat. And some black heels." I said visualizing her in it. "Fine I'm on my way" she said and hung up.

Jacob pov:

"Bri where are you going now?" I asked getting pissed the fuck off that she wants to think about leaving this house after we haven't even solved our problems. "Jacob I'm going out for a ride. Nothing major just please stop fighting with me. I'll be back shortly." She said leaving out with a really long black coat on and stripper heels. Then she had on a lot of makeup. Oh hell naw. She bet not be a stripper. "Kids let's go for a ride." I said putting there shoes on. They got excited and we left and followed after bri using my Phone locater. Bri forgot I have that app downloaded. I know where she is. It says 10 minutes away.

I was so confused when I pulled into a damn house. It was nice but not as big as ours. I seen a dark blue car parked. And brielles range rover. She was here. And that blue car looks like the same one from yesterday. "Daddy where are we" Junior said. "Just stay quite kids. I'm thinking" I said. I thought about everything. I ran my hands through my hair and squeezed tightly. So she has been talking to whoever knew something about her. I just wonder what's going on. I'm going to sit here in the car until she comes out. I have to know what's wrong. "Dad can we play games on your phone" Briana said. "Here" I handed them my phone to keep them preoccupied.

About 2 hours later I was getting tired of waiting so I started my car. It's been two hours and she still is in there. The kids were knocked out cold. So I took my phone out of briana lap and put it back on the phone holder in my car. I was about to pull off and go home to put the kids to bed as I saw brielle walk out onto the porch with some dude following. He gave her a hug and kissed her lips for a minute. I was mad as fuck. Like am I dreaming. I looked at them again and she was waving goodbye getting into her car. She better be lucky my kids are in this car or I would fuck him and her up. But who the fuck is it. I got out after bri left and locked up the car so the kids can stay sleep. I rung the doorbell and jacob latimore answered. Oh my fucking gosh. "Why was bri here at your house tonight for two damn hours" I said. "Well let me see. She got some good good and she sexy as hell. Your wife just got fucked" he said smiling and laughing. I punched him in his face. Leaving him in the ground looking up at me. He shut the door in my face and I walked away and headed home. I can't believe this shit. After all I do. This is what I get. Fuck that. I was mad as hell. But you know what I'm going to play it off and see if she tells me. By tommorow I'm letting it out. She got me all fucked up.

Ray pov:

It was me, india, craig, chres, our friend myles, tasha, deanna, and sydney. We were all at me and india house just hanging out. We all decided to chill because we miss hanging out. But we're missing brielle and jacob. "Hey babe call brielle and tell her to come over and I'm gone call jacob" I said as I kissed my girlfriend india on the lips. She smiled and nodded. I called jacob and he didn't answer the first time. But when I called the second time he answered quickly. He sounded irritated. "Yea man" "Nigga what's wrong with you" I said. "Nothing just alot on my mind wassup?" He said sounding horrible. "Bro come over to my house everyone here and they want to see you so bring yo ass" "alright here I come." He said. "Babe brielle said she is pulling up now" India said before opening the front door waving at bri and hugging her. We all ran over to brielle and hugged her. We missed the happily married couple. "Wassup bri bri. I missed yo big head ass." I said to her while hugging her tight. "I missed all of you guys too" she said smiling at all of us. "Girl take off this damn jacket you look hot" tasha told her. She had on a pink half shirt with some sweatpants. And some nike flipflops. "So where the hell is my damn nephew and niece at bri?" Craig asked while eating. "there with jacob. Is he coming he wasn't at home?" She asked me. "Yea he's on his way now" I said to her. "So you'll good bri like no relationship problems or nothing like that everything alright?" Chres asked her. She looked at all of us sitting there staring at her. She put her head down and before she could say anything jacob came walking in with the kids. The kids came and gave all of us a hug. And went upstairs with sydney son to play. Jacob looked mad as hell. "Jacob what's up what's wrong with you?" I asked him looking curious. "Nothing I'm coo. Just a little tired. That's all" he said looking at bri. He walked around hugging all of us and then he sat down. "So about that question now that jacob is here. So how's the marriage going?" Chres asked again. "Yea bri how's our marriage going that's a good ass question don't you think?" He said staring dead at her. I knew they were having problems by the way he's acting. "Yea it is. Hey were ok were good. I have been pissing jacob off lately and I'm just trying to make it better. I have been doing some stupid shit lately and I am trying to fix it." She said looking at him back. "Bri don't play with me. Since you want to go behind my back and do shit the wrong way when I have been nothing but good to you and my fucking kids. I'm letting it be known in front of everyone what I been going through with you. Ok so before the honeymoon I asked for another kid. She got mad and said no without thinking that hurt me. But I let it go. She kept issuing the subject so I got mad. Then she went to the damn beach half naked showing some stuff that noone but me needs to see and almost went to another Man's house. Then we went to the club and she decided to get drunk as hell and dance on him when I went to go get her some fucking water. Then on our way back she met up with jacob latimore and decided to get all close to him again. She had him in my house when I wasn't there then went on a date with him and now she won't stay home she leaves me and the kids at home every day and I was want to know what's going on?" Jacob said as his eyes never left hers. "Ok you'll I think this is something you'll need to work out alone." I tried to say before jacob told me to be quite. We all was very shocked cause this is not like bri to behave this way. She looked embarrassed and nd jacob looked tired and fed up. "Jacob I'm sorry I didn't mean to do all those things to you I was being stupid." She said crying. India went to hug her. "Naw tell me where you where at tonight? Why did you leave again all of a sudden brielle. Where Where did you go? And I'm tired of hearing I'm sorry from you" he said getting mad but staying calm. "I I was at a friends house just talking about some stuff" she said. "So you couldn't do that on on the phone. Bri your my wife and you got more secrets then anyone. That's not ok. You slacking at at being a mom lately and you slacking at being a wife. I'm not dumb. Remember the letter from yesterday. The person said you have a big dark secret that your hiding from me. And I know it's true since you never tell me where your going and the person just dropped a letter off at our house so they know who you are. Don't lie to me anymore. Tell me the truth bri?" He said in the most calm tone. We all looked around trying tone figure out what's going on with bri and why she would do this to jacob. It's unbelievable. "Jacob I'm sorry ok. I have been going over jacob latimore house all those times I would leave. And then on the phone all those times was him. And then I I didn't mean to but I slept with him but I made him stop jacob I'm so so sorry." She said crying hard. India gasped at her and looked shocked along with us. Jacob put his head down and put his hands in his head. "I knew that. Now how many times?" "2 jacob just two" she said. "Two too many and you aren't sorry. You wanted to do it. Why bri? What did I ever do?" He said. "Nothing jacob. I mean yes you cheated in the past but I just got caught up baby please don't leave me." She pleaded. "Bri this is killing me. You know I hate that dude and you making me look stupid and he just laughing and smiling cause he happy he got to fuck my wife twice and stuff. Your hurting me." He said and got up. "Kids come on let's go home. It's time for bed." He said as the kids came down hugging us. Then they left. "Bri why did you do that to him?" I asked. We all knew jacob latimore was no good and he wanted bri bad. She just didn't see it. Now she fucked her marriage up. I just couldn't believe it. She looked at us and got up and ran out the door. "Alright that was crazy who wants a drink?" I asked. Everybody got up and got a drink. We need it. And so did jacob right now. I'll check on him tommorow.

Brielle pov:

I can't believe I confessed and now all our friends know our business. I felt horrible and embarrassed. Noone shouldve known our business. I was beyond pissed off because it was like why did I go fuck jay tonight if I just told on myself. The plan was to keep it a damn secret. But apparently jacob knows how to get the truth out of me. So I don't know what's going to happen with us now. I don't know what jacob wants to do I just hope he forgives me and doesn't leave me. It's bad enough I fucked jay twice. So I know jacob is pissed off. I really fucked up. I stopped my car in front of the house. And before I got out. I dialed Jay number. "Hello sexy what's up." He said. " Jay he knows I told him everything and he knows. He made me say it in front of all of our friends tonight. So he just left and I don't know if he's mad or going to leave me I'm just sorry for all of this. And I'm not talking to you or messing with you anymore. Just leave me alone. Please." "Yea I planned on doing that anyway after he punched my ass in my face. Yo boy got a fucking big ass hand. Tonight he came and asked why you were here for two hours then I told him and he punched me. So fuck you and him. I'm staying out of it. Oh and good luck with your marriage the sex was good" he started laughing and hung up. I banged my hands on the steering wheel and walked inside. This is bullshit. Jay played me to get me and jacob to seperate. I shouldve known. He doesn't want me with jacob at all. Fuck what did I do? I feel like a nasty hoe for fucking with him like that. Shit.

Jacob pov:

I already knew what to expect her to say. So I just wanted to know how many times. She said two. That's enough for me to get me and my kids shit and leave. That wasn't no mistake she wanted to fuck him. I'm packing me and the kids shit and I'm leaving to go stay with my mom for some weeks. Until I find a place for me and my kids. I can't be around her and she did this to me. I can't look at her face right now. I just cant. I love her but she doesn't love me back obviously. I just feel stupid for letting her go out every day and not trying to stop her. But she the one who wanted to cheat for no reason I didn't do nothing to her at all. That's why I'm leaving. If I cheated on her back then I would have a reason to stay but I been loyal in this marriage. And I be crazy if I stay with her after that. Tommorow I'm packing up and leaving. I don't care if she here or not.

She walked inside and took off her clothes. It was complete silent. She went to take a shower. I didn't want to sleep next to her so I grabbed a blanket out the closet and went to the guest bedroom and went to bed. I don't want to see her or talk to her. She did me wrong and allowed that nigga yo get exactly what he wanted. They can have each other I'm done. I can take care of my kids like I been doing alone. She doesn't even acknowledge there presence anymore anyway. Fuck that.

Jay pov:

What I say. I knew brielle would crack sooner or later now her ass is bout to be alone and miserable. And he gone be alone and by himself to until he found someone for him. That's all I wanted was for them not to be together so I can be happy. I'm done fucking with brielle now. I honestly don't want her ass nomore at all. I don't know why but I just lost interest. Lol. She isn't someone I can be with so I hope she don't come running to me once he leaves her alone. Ima be like fuck you and yo tears and sadness. I didn't make her do nothing. I just asked and she opened her legs and let me. And she let me kiss her. She didn't have to and she could've said no. But she didn't so I knew she wanted it all to happen. I know already. It was a test and she failed. I'm good and happy thou. Just happy as hell.

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