Why would you do that?

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Brielle pov:
I can't believe I actually went to Chres house thinking he wanted to speak with me about something else. I didn't expect him to still be in love with me. I wanted him sexually for a while but I'm not in love with him. But he's just really attractive. I think it would just be a lust thing. He had no right putting his hands on me but I forgive him dearly. I still have love for Chres. But I'm really happy with my husband.

I was downstairs finishing up with the kitchen after feeding the twins some pancakes. When Jacob walked downstairs kissing my lips and giving me his plate. "The food was so good babe" he said smiling and rubbing his full belly. "Anything for my family" I said kissing him again. "Bri can we talk when you done with the dishes please?" He said. I nodded and finished the kitchen and we went upstairs away from the kids and shut our door. We sat on the bed. " so Bri what made you go over there and see him. I know you just went to talk but it makes me wonder especially when I hear you that you two used to fuck around. That would make me think negative thoughts like, is my wife trying to go behind my back again and mess with Chres? It's just a thought that I wouldn't want to have. I need to know that you will honestly stay away from him and focus on what we need to do. I don't need to feel insecure about us or me because of Chres. I refuse to feel that way babe." He said. He had hurt in his eyes. I almost wanted to cry but I held it in. He started holding my hands and I finally spoke trying not to cry. "No baby I don't think like that anymore. I am different. I refuse to do some stupid stuff again to fuck us up. Your the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love you so much baby. I couldn't ask for a better husband. I don't know what I was thinking honestly, I just thought he wanted to talk and that's it. I'm so so sorry. I want ever go over his house again" by this time I was crying so hard. I couldn't hold it in anymore. He wiped my face and hugged me. "It's ok babe, stop crying. Just don't fall for stupid stuff like that because they will hurt you and I will kill someone over you baby" he said. I wiped my face and let go of his hands and got up to get some toilet paper out the bathroom to blow my runny nose from crying. As I was looking in the mirror he came up and hugged me from behind and I was smiling at him. "I love you so much baby, you don't understand how much I need you and just love that I am the woman that you chose to live the rest of your life with." I said to Jacob as we kept hugging from behind.

The rest of the night we chilled with the kids and everything was all good. I love my family. Jacob is the best thing that ever happened to me. It's all about me and my husband and my beautiful kids. Briana, junior, Jacob, and me.

The next day....

Jacob pov:
"Babe I'm taking the kids to play at the park while I go run, did you want to come with us?" I yelled from downstairs. "No I'm ok. I just want to clean around the house and wash some clothes" she yelled back. I ran upstairs and gave her a quick kiss and then told her I love her and we headed out to the park 15 minutes away from the house. So they can play and I can run on the trail.

When we got there I had to make some rules so they understood me. "Okay, now you guys are going to go play at the park over there and I'm going to be watching You while running around this circled trail. I'm still in eye sight so I can see you guys okay?" I said looking at them firmly. They said "yes sir" in unison. I nodded. I have to let them know things even though there just 7 years old.

I began running lightly round the trail. As I was running I kept peeking t my kids to make sure they were ok and safe. I guess I was looking way too hard at my kids because I ran into a biker. "Ouch!!!!" She screamed loudly while falling down off her bike. I did the omg face😱 and immediately helped her up and said sorry a thousand times to her. She said it was ok and looked me deeply in my eyes. She wouldn't stop staring so I felt weird. I turned to make sure my kids were ok and looked back at her and she was still staring at me. "Um well I'm going to get back to running. Bye" I said in a hurry. "Wait. I think Your so sexy!" She said confidently. I smiled and said thanks. "Can I run with you please" she asked me. I nodded and we began running.

45 minutes later.

We were both sweaty and by now the kids were done playing. We exchanged numbers just so we can be running partners. That's all.

Brielle pov:
Tonight Jacob came home constantly telling me how much he loves me and missed me today. And I feel the same but damn he said it a lot. Like he wants to make sure I know. And now he showed me how much he missed me and how much he loves me with the way he made love to me tonight. ❤️❤️❤️😜

Falling hard (jacob perez love story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن