I won't stop.

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Chres pov:
"I told you once you get this loving you won't stop." I said to bri as she layed beside me. We were at her house and jacob was at work. We just had sex again. "Oh shush. It's just what I like to do" she said kissing my lips. "So are you falling for me yet" I said playfully. She looked at me and had a look of worry on her face. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "I'm afraid to say this but yea I actually am falling for you chres you are just so gentle and you show me love and on top of that you don't judge me for not wanting to be faithful." She said. "Why did you get married then bri?" I asked kind of confused on how many guys she cheated on jacob with. "Idk I love jacob but I just hate turning guys down that want me as well. It's just hard." She said smiling. "Oh I see your cocky. You think cause your too beautiful you can just have whatever whenever. Bri that's not how the world works. You have to be for jacob or divorce him and be with someone else or be single." I said. " Chres you know what just get out ok. Your confusing me. First you want me then your judging me. I can't right now. I'll call you later just leave. I need time to think." She said. She kissed my cheek and I just got dressed and left. I see someone is confused on who and what they want.

Brielle pov:
I got up and took a shower. Once I was done I put on a pajama dress and a robe to match. I layed on bed crying until I heard jacob and the kids walking in. And he was talking to someone as well. I got up and walked downstairs to see jacob talking to craig chres and ray. I panicked and flew downstairs. Omg chres is back. "Hey babe" jacob said kissing my lips. "Hey" was all I said. Chres smirked at me and licked his lips. Which made my insides feel some type of way. I was mad that he was back right after I told him to go home and then again I was happy because I really like chres and I know he feels the same way. "Does anyone of you guys want something to eat or drink?" I asked the guys being polite. "Um yea we all would like some beers. Thanks babe" jacob said. I nodded and walked into the kitchen and got the beers out the fridge. It was a eight pack so all of them can have two a piece. I was about to walk back in the living room to give them there drinks when I turned around to see chres standing there looking at me. I jumped and walked passed him until he grabbed me and held me tight. "Stop chres before we get caught" I said not wanting to let go. "Alright but you better text or call me later. I know you not still mad at me" he said smacking my ass before walking away. I just stood there looking at him until I finally got the strength to walk in the living room and give them there beers. "Thanks babe your the best" jacob said kissing my cheek. I smiled and went up to the rooms to check on the kids. Junior was in his room playing on his tablet and watching tv and briana was at her little table polishing he said nails and playing with her baby dolls while watching Disney juniors sofia the first. I smiled and walked into my room and layed down. I was exhausted what what a day.

Jacob pov:
"So chres you been acting like your too good to hang with the crew these days wassup. Who got you head over heels for them?" I said as we all sat and watched the game. "Noone I just been getting to my money you know." He said smirking. "Oh please we all can easily get money nigga someone got you in a trance." Ray said. "Nah it's nothin like that it's just that I been busy in the studio lately that I don't have time for anything else." He said looking at the tv trying to avoid us. We let it go and started paying attention to the game and talking about it.

.....later on that night the guys went home and I locked the house up and made sure the kids were sleep. After that I went into me and brielle room and she was humming a song while texting every now and then and watching tv. "Hey babe who you texting?" I asked her while laying next to her wrapping my hands around her. "Noone just writing notes in my calender for the month. That's all" she said not looking up at me. "Oh ok. Well goodnight love I'm going to bed I have work and the kids have school." I said kissing her lips. She kissed back and moaned in my mouth that turned me on. I wanted more so I started feeling on her and she pushed me away. "What's wrong" I asked her getting irritated because I can't have sex with my wife. "Nothing I I I'm just tired that's all." She said turning away from me and laying down. I sighed loudly and turned away from her as well and went to bed. Here we go again. She keeps pushing me away. It's like my love is not enough.

Brielle pov:
I know I'm hurting his feelings but I'm just not in the mood for sex I been having sex all week I'm good. He just needs to stop trying because it's not going to work. I know what I'm doing is beyond wrong because this is his friend but it feels so damn good and right. I can't stop. I won't stop. I think.....I think I love chres.

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