I need feedback?? please.....

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First off hi it's asia if you didn't know my name. I'm from corona california but I now live In los angeles since I was 10. I see alot of mindless fans. I meet a lot of mindless fans in person and at meet and greet and stuff. But it's alot of fans being so rude. No there not fans. Because if they were they wouldn't be throwing shade towards ex mb members or new ones. Ok we all know what's the deal. Everyone is saying bring roc back that's fine. We love roc. But get over it. We can still support him but he just not in mb nomore. Then they was saying "oh I love you ej welcome to mindless behavior" now that roc gone and prod back some fans are saying they want roc back and ej out. You can't do nothing about it but it's disrespectful to talk about ej he's apart of mb now so face it. Then when prod left I was one of the loyal fans still so now that he back I'm happy I'm still his fan. I support all 5 of them but just because stuff happens doesn't mean like one person then turn around and say I don't like him nomore. There human they make mistakes. If your a true mb fan your going to still support the new mb and roc. And one more thing. I look on desiree page sometimes to see the progress of the baby. Some fans say it's not rocs others say it is. I know desiree is mad that fans talk about the baby and I don't blame her. The baby has nothing to do with the hate towards desiree which is stupid. Stop being jealous. Don't talk about someone's baby that's messed up foreal. I'm done.

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