As Bf: Akashi-kun

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You and your bf have the eye.. Well yours is more similar to kuroko from season 3 if I'm being honest

He is very protective of you. He doesn't like when others flirt around with you. If you weren't there all time he would have used his scissors on them no question

He got your love for music back. He taught you to play the piano or violin. After you told him you had done music in the past but never stuck with it

Your birthday was coming up soon and your  man seijuro got you horse riding lessons as apart of his gift to you from him. You loved the gift.

Since you go to same high school "Rakuzan" you and him both would walk down the hall ways together just holding hands 😍.

Your school activities might be different as your bf seijuro is on basketball team and the student council and you are in the music room practicing away and on the team as 2nd manger of the Rakuzan basketball team you and him still get to see each other.

Since you are childhood friends with Kotaro Hayama and captain seijuro's gf. The team has become like a family to you. you have built a strong friendship bond with the team members.

Your childhood best friend Kotaro Hayama is one who got you and seijuro akashi together

The team love to constantly tease you all the time e.g. A) they would run behind you and attack your side making you drop all your books on to the floor then run away.

B) they would make fun of the way you talk and speak in class like; they would take it in turns to talk over you while you were answering a question or reading out a passage from a book.

C) they would constantly tease you about sei just to make you blush; e.g. "I love him so much *kissing noises*" and the classic tease song we all know as kids and don't any of u lie and say you didn't do this as kids "🎶y/n and seijuro sitting in a tree k- i- s- s- i- n- g🎶" while you sat beside him at lunch or in the gym.

D) they would smack/hit you on the back of the head when your man isn't there cause if he was there he wouldn't let that happen.

E) they would steal stuff from you all the time e.g. 1)your diary they would steal and read a passage from it in front of everyone just to make you blush. 2)your bag if in the classroom or clothes if you were changing in the girls locker room or something like that.

One time then might of teased you a bit to much and went to far. Which made you very upset. You ran away and bumped into your  bf sei crying. "love what happened? Why are you upset?" he asked "well yk how the team constantly tease me all the time stuff well then went to far and made me upset" you said to him crying. He held you in his arms a bit longer. then later on that today since he had to go to practice.

He brought you to the basketball gym to see the team there "akashi ready for practice?" Kotaro asked him "yeah about that i want you all running laps" he said to them. When the team found out that you ratted them out to the captain they apologised for teasing u like that. 

At start of your relationship with him you had no idea he such a cat person other then playing music  or playing shoji. You have a photo of your bf seijuro holding a white cat called "yuki" and there noises touching as there eyes are locked.

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