As Bf: Takao-kun

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He can be a bit of a flirt well more like he is a flirt.

He loves when you come and watch and support him at his games

Your the twin sister Shintaro Midorima you did originally go to Seirin high but after a month or so, you decided to go Shutoku high like your twin brother Shintaro

He would teach you a bit of basketball when he doesn't have practice or on the weekend

He would take you out on mini dates on the weekend or on a week day when he isn't busy

You have a pet cat or a white pet ferret instead of a dog

You always wait outside the door of the Shutoku high school basketball team for your twin brother Shintaro and your bf but it's mostly for your bf

You would both watch comedy TV shows

You would sometimes come to see/watche your bf and your twin brother Shintaro practice with the basketball team

He has alot of videos and photos of you either with him in them or just you on your own or ones with your twin brother Shintaro

He would call you "babe' or 'love' or cutie" he has your name on his phone contacts named as "babe' or ' y/n with emoji"

He take you out on valentines day dates or for anniversaries

He spends the Christmas holidays with your family most times or its just you and your boyfriend takao.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that for one the Christmasses as a Christmas present your man got you another ferret or cat (you can decide tho) he/she was so, cute (leave comments if the ferret or cat is a he/she and what name would have giving it).

You both go holidays together just spend some more time together.

You would spend weekend's at home snuggling in bed or going to a cafe or he would teach you a bit about basketball or fun you get him to read a proper book

You would both spend valentines day's giving each other love snuggles, love and dates.

A lot of date nights together as a couple you love each other.

Big lover of PDA

🔞When making out either in bed or on the sofa or in the shower he loves to leave little marks down your neck🔞

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