First Date

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Seijuro akashi
The day was the day its Saturday and you had 2hours before Seijuro akashi was pick you up at for your first date so, you had a shower and picked out a cute mini sleeveless dress with a demin jacket and cute shoes out of your fitted in wardrobe an hour has passed now you are doing your makeup just some light makeup when you had finished your makeup you got up and picked up your mini bag, phone, keys, money just in case when you heard a knock on the door to Seijuro akashi at the front door of your house he held out his hand you he brought you to his car he asked were you ready to go and that you looked beautiful you blushed and thanked him as you stepped into the car he followed behind you inot the car.

The drive got to the location of the date that Seijuro akashi planned he stepped out of the car and went around to open your side of the car door open letting you step out of the car taking his hand as you both walked into your guys date. You loved everything about the date to the Japanese cherry blossom garden you love cherry blossom (the author herslef loves cherry blossoms). You got food and walked around the cherry blossom garden took some pictures. Fast-forward the end of the date. As the fun first date with Seijuro akashi at the Japanese cherry blossom garden came to an end as you and Seijuro walked back to the car and drove you home as both you and him were at your front you turned around and moved closer to him giving him a peck on the cheek and thanked him for an amazing day you said goodbye to him as you walked into your house closing the front door behind you as Seijuro went back to his car and drove home.

Shintaro Midorima
Your first date with shin-chan was a dinner at your place since you found that Shintaro can't cook you decided for a first date to be dinner at home. As you with wearing confortable clothes in the kitchen the door bell to your place hang you went to the front door to your place tho you live with your parents they were out for a couples day's away to (Countries name and why they are away?). Anyway as you went to the front door of your place to shintaro you let him and closed the door behind you walking into the living room with Shintaro. After a while of watching TV with Shintaro you got up and walked to the kitchen to cook up food something that was simple and not to hard to make (comment down what you guys would of cooked in this date). As you were humming while you cutting the vegetables you felt to arms around you kissing your neck. You looked around to Shintaro in the kitchen behind you just watching you cook dinner. You just smiled and allowed him continue to watch you cook dinner both you and him. As you finished up all the preparation for the dinner you cooked them up together.

Fast-forward to serving up the food as you plated the food on to the plates you put them on the table to see Shintaro looking at the pictures of you with your family when you younger and pictures with your childhood best friend takao kazunari. He looked around to see you walking over to you following you to the dinner table you both sat down to have your dinner mins later both had finished their nice dinner since both still had time you went back into the living room to hanging out before Shintaro had to on home. Time had come for Shintaro to go home you walked him the door hugging him at the door saying your goodbyes to each other you closed the door to your housr as Shintaro left for his place.

Daiki aomine
Even tho you weren't born in the months of winter that didn't stop you from loving winter, snow and Christmas. So, when winter came around your ocean blue eyed pervert ace of a bf daiki surprised you in december by taking you to a winter festival in Tokyo. You loved everything about it but, what made you love the date even more was when you found your bf just standing looking up at the blue night sky as the snow falling around him. Fast-forward to end of the date tho it was winter and cold you and daiki walked out of the winter festival you went to get food at Maji burger then he walked you home you thanked him for the nice date giving him a peck on the cheek. You both said goodbye to each other as closed the door behind and daiki lefted to his house. Thats when you bombard with questions by your sister satsuki like "how was th date did both kiss did you not like come slip the dets" you sighed knowing that she was going to ask again and again until you tell her so, that's what you did you told your sister about your first date with daiki aomine.

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