As bf: Kasamatsu-kun

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He loves how you always supporting him in all of his games

As you are a 1st year and your bf is 3rd do still get to spend alot of time together

Your younger twin brother Ryota kise got you and Yukio Kasamatsu together

He would take you out on mini dates over the weekend when he isn't practicing and or kicking your younger twin brother Ryota ass or studying.

He would call you "love' or ' babe" either when you met first thing at the gate or Kaijo high

He has a couple videos and photos of you and him and speaking of his phone on his phone contacts your name is set has "babe" or "y/n with emoji"

And on your phone in your phone contact his name is set has "bae" or "love"

Your parents absolutely love him when he comes over to your house

You and your bf would have study dates at his place or yours

He would teach you a bit of basketball when he isn't busy over the weekend

He would surprise you with little gifts like jewellery or a stuffed plushie

When you go over to your bf's place you and Kasamatsu would both watch comedy TV shows

He take you out on valentines day dates or for anniversaries

He loves when you watches his practice matches against other basketball teams sometimes

When your bf, your twin brother and the basketball team would be hard at practice for winter championship aka the winter cup you would normally walk alone but I mean it's sad but when the winter cup was over your man yukio Kasamatsu to make up for the time he has missed with you he would take you out on many many dates.

He spends the Christmas holidays with your family most times or its just you and your boyfriend Kasamatsu.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that for one the Christmasses as a Christmas present your man Kasamatsu got you a mini wired terrier puppy he/she was so cute (leaves comments if the puppy was he/she and what name would have giving it).

You both go holidays together just spend some more time together.

You would spend weekend's at home snuggling in bed or going to a cafe or he would teach you a bit about basketball or fun you get him to read a proper book

You would both spend valentines day's giving each other love snuggles, love and dates.

A lot of date nights together as a couple you love each other.

He loves PDA

🔞 He is the strict one in the relationship so when your being bad girl for him he brings out the cuffs and ties you up which you just love 🔞

🔞One time you were just teasing him and he told you to stop which you didn't so now you were on the table in the kitchen with both your hands tied by his school tie as he fucked you 🔞

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