They Finding Out That You Have Anxiety + Helping You Go Through It Part 2

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Shutoku high

Takao kazunari
You have always had anxiety attacks since you were a young child your twin brother Shintaro you this too but your bf takao did not know this about you. So, when your anxiety attacks started to happen in class you asked the teacher if you could leave the class to some air outside the tether (he/she) allowed you to leave. You lefted the cl1as and went outside but your (f/b/f/n) came along with you to check up with you. She came back to the classroom and told the teacher you have to go home cause of your anxiety attack she got your school bag and lefted to find you again. You had texted your twin brother that you leaving cause of a anxiety attack this being still like early that day like it was 11 in the morning anyway you got home before telling your bf anything.

You went upstairs to your room and get your anxiety plushy that you have to clam yourself down when you were young well you still have the plush now you had put on a show to that on of your favourites. The day went on and your twin might of told your bf takao about your Anxiety attacks and it might be right if you see her after school finishes. So, after school and basketball practice was finished you twin Shintaro and your bf takao walked back to his place when they got to the house he opened the front door letting your bf takao into the living room. That's when your bf takao took a wonder to your room to check up on you he saw you on your bed watching your favourite show he moved over to you ont he bed bringing you into a hug. So, for the rest of the night your received alot of cuddles and snuggles and love and kiss.

Rakuzan high

Kotaro Hayama
Since you were young you have had anxiety and now that you are 16 you had it again so, you had to stay home your twin knew about your anxiety attacks. He lefted home to go to school and yes it was a school day so, you were indeed missing out on school work anyway the day went on as you stayed home watching your favourite show or music to calm yourself down. Haftway through the day your twin texted you saying "Kotaro is worried about he has being trying to find you well before I told him that you Anxiety attack and now he decided to come and see you after school" you smiled down at the text your twin sent you just now you were blushing at the thought of your bf Kotaro was that worried about you he is so, sweet and cute.

So, later that day your twin brother came back with your bf Kotaro he obviously got you a new plush to cuddle with tho anyway as the car drove up to the front door of the akashi mansion. They got to the front door and went inside thats when your twin lefted Kotaro there cause he knew where your bedroom was as he made his way to your room he knocked on the door saying it was him you got up and opened the front door bringing him into a tight hug. Kotaro let go of his bag and picked you up bringing you to the bed giving you the gift you taking it out of the bag hugging the new plushy cuddled it moving over to your bf Kotaro who was sitting on the side of the bed. So, for the rest of the day and night you received alot of cuddles and and snuggles and love and kiss.

Reo Mibuchi
You have always had anxiety attacks since you were little and your twin brother Tetsuya was always there for you and your anxiety attacks have been going down more like the chances of you have anxiety is very little then it was when you younger but, that was going to change. You in school when you felt your hand start to automatically shake on its own and your balance was off when you walked your twin brother saw this and went up to you took you outside to get some air then to the office to stay there until you could leave. He asked if had you told your bf about your anxiety attacks you shuck your head no you hadn't yet you meant to but, forgot to say it.

Since it was the Friday you got the leave to go home early while your twin brother had your a copy of bf's Reo number in his phone he text saying "hey Reo it's Tetsuya is there any chance you come over to Tokyo for y/n she has anxiety and she might of forgot to tell you if you can come after school" in kyoto Reo received the messege from your twin brother about you having anxiety and you wanting to see him.

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