As Bf: Atsushi-kun

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Ah yes our tall loveable sweetie cinnamon sugar roll of a boyfriend.

Your brother Tatsuya got you guys together he know you would be at the your (f/s) store that is also the sweet candy store that Atsushi go's to.

He would listen to your advice when he doesn't want to listen to anyone else.

He loves when you always come to his games to support and cheer for him.

Your bond of being both strong sweet toothes goes deep.

Would always carries you on hsi shoulders when you go to concert with him well since you are a short person so, yeah.

Your big cinnamon can be childish af like you guys think your childish like he gets stubborn when he does go childish both you and Tatsuya Hirumo have to mothered him sometimes but all the time.

He always loves making you blush either it's giving you a kiss on the cheek or teasing you about anything.

You always would tell him to eat more healthy food instead of just eating sweet, candies, crisps etc....

He always wants to let everyone know youre his and only his cause as much as he is cinnamon and acts childish af this boy can get extremely jealous.

As a couple have constant playful fights just like e.g. A pillow fight or a sissy fight.

Since your man is tall and if you want to kiss or hug him you sometimes have to ask him can we hug or kiss.

He loves to pin you to the wall and kiss you when you guys make out.

He can't control himself when he is around you (I wouldn't thought but yeah).

Both you and him have cute nicknames but atsushi isn't the biggest fan of cute names like he would call you "babe, love" or "sweetie" and that's really about it as you would call him "my cinnamon" or "love" Well I guess you aren't a big cute names either Idk.

On his phone he has cute photos of you and maybe a couple of videos to you on your own or with him and that goes same with the photos of you there are photos with him too.

While we are still on the topic of phones and stuff on both yours and his phone contacts you have him down as "cinnamon" and he has you down as "love" or "y/n".

He take you out on valentines day dates or for anniversaries

He spends the Christmas holidays with your family most times or its just you and your boyfriend Atsushi.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that for one the Christmasses as a Christmas present your man kise got you a mini golden poodle puppy mix he/she was so cute (leaves comments if the puppy was he/she and what name would have giving it).

You both go holidays together just spend some more time together.

You would spend weekend's at home snuggling in bed or going to a cafe or he would teach you a bit about basketball or fun you get him to read a proper book

You would both spend valentines day's giving each other love snuggles, love and dates.

A lot of date nights together as a couple you love each other.

He loves PDA

🔞When you and him are having sex he love to hear the sweet noise and moans that comes from your lips 🔞

If its not in bed then it's up against the wall like when he kisses you

🔞One time on your birthday. You had all your friends, family and bf Atsushi over to celebrate. After then left to go your bf mura stayed behind and well had a lot of fun up a against the wall🔞

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