The One That Got Away

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Gom captain Seijuro akashi x crush reader

Everyone knew. But your crush. The captain of the generation of miracles.  The team and their manager knew. He finally got it in high school. But only by contacting green carrot Shintaro midorima. Okay okay let's me start from the beginning. So this all started back in Teiko junior high school. You were in the same year as him and the other gom members. You were came best friends with satsuki, Tetsuya, Daiki, Ryota, Atsushi and Shintaro. But with seijuro that was a different story. He only saw as a mutual friend that you say hello or wave and move on that's it.

thats how he saw you. it was a bit different for you tho. you saw seijuro as more then a friend well you did have a crush on him duh. But at the moment it was more of a one sided love story. Which you did not want so you have been trying to get his attention on a couple of occasions. 1) in class you would kinda of glance his way but not to much so that your staring. 2) you would help out in the basketball gym to be near him. 3)you would hang out with him and the team more like going out etc. 4) you tried to touch his hand but he kept on moving away.

When satsuki noticed this plan she came up to you one day "you still trying to be with him huh?" why don't you just send him a text or love letter to get his attention cause  get closer to him isn't working for you" she asked you "hey satsuki, I could do that but I dk about that, he doesn't seem interested in me at all but I can give it a shot" you said to her. So, since you didn't have his number on you at the time. The only choice was to write him a love letter so thats what you did.

Dear seijuro,
I've been noticing you for a while now and I found you very good looking, hot when your on the court. I have this crush on you and I was wondering if you want to meet up in person,

Love admirer

You smile happily as you finished the love letter and slipped it into his locker. The next day seijuro went to his locker and the letter fell out. He picked it up and opened it, and read it to himself. "I have a secret admirer hmm I wounder who it is? but it's not like can be with them I have a gf now! so I guess I can meet up with them and let them down gently" he said. He didn't know it was you who was his secret admirer. Well until he met up with you after school one day near the tree.

When he got there. He saw a girl. "wait a sec that's y/n l/n why is she here? Oh what ever I 'll just ask her to leave" he said as he walked over to you. "y/n what are you doing here i' m meet up with someone so can you go?" he asked "oh I'm sorry I'll leave" you said tears forming in your eyes "I hope this someone is very lucky to be here with you" you said to him with a fake smile "what no I'm just here to met my secret admirer and tell I can't be with them cause I have a gf" he said to you "what you have gf... I'm sorry I have to go seijuro now satsuki is waiting for me" you said to him.

You let crying in tears. "what was that about. wait was y/n my secret admirer? Shit why do I care so much when I saw her face drop? Why do I feel guilty that she started crying and ran away? I have a gf. I'm in love with aria not y/n right?" he said to himself "babe are you ready to go now" aria sicky sweet voice ran out "yeah coming" he said back to her "what were you doing babe?" she asked him "oh I got a secret admirer I just let them down gently that I have a gf" he said with a smile to her "oh well at least she knows that taken" she said to him as walked home hand in hand.

The next day. Aria wasn't in school. She had some family drama to go to. Seijuro was in the class. When the door opened to see you not looking good. You looked tired. Seijuro felt guilty. He knew what he did was wrong and he needed to fix it. So after class you left with satsuki and Tetsuya "y/n can we talk for a bit?" seijuro asked you "why do you I'm done can you just leave me alone" you said to him "a... Hmm sorry" he apologised and left to the canteen. "what happened? Why did you do that? I thought you liked him? I thought you sent him the letter?" satsuki ask you "oh I did and you know what that got me a broken heart... God satsuki he has a f****ING gf" you said to her "what? No he doesn't! He did say that to us? What's her name?" satsuki asked "i think her name is aria baba" one of the classmates in the hall way said "oh thank you emiko" she said to her.

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