What Social Media You Guys Both Have

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Seijuro akashi - Instagram, Snapchat

Y/n l/n- TikTok, Snapchat, twitter

Shintaro Midorima - Facebook, twitter

Y/n l/n-twitter, Instagram

Daiki aomine- Instagram  

Y/n momoi- snapchat, Instagram 

Ryota kise- Instagram 

Y/n Kasamatsu- TikTok  

Tetsuya kuroko- twitter 

Y/n Kagami - snapchat 

Atsushi Murasaikbara- he really isn't a big social media fan but he will have Pinterest

Y/n himuro - TikTok, Instagram 

Shutoku high

Takao Kazunari - snapchat

Y/n Midorima - Instagram, 

Rakuzan high

Kotaro Hayama - Instagram 

Y/n akashi - Tiktok, Instagram 

Reo Mibuchi - snapchat, tiktok 

Y/n kuroko - tiktok 

Kaijo high

Yukio Kasamatsu - snapchat 

Y/n kise - tiktok, Instagram 

Yosen high

Tatsuya Hirumo- Instagram 

Y/n Murasaikbara - tiktok 

Seirin high

Kagami tagia - snapchat 

Y/n hyuga - tiktok 

Kuroko no basuke preferences scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now