cause I love you for alway and forever ok

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Model Ryota kise x singer gf reader fluff

Tho you are a singer and you been since you were a kid like you grew up being a singer well since your mum was a singer while your dad owned his own business that were business partners with the akashi's business. Anyway since you had older brother he took over the l/n family business while you went on to be singer like your mum did before you.

So, when you were in Teiko middle School and were friends with the generation of miracles even the your dad's business partner's son Seijuro akashi well most of it be on good terms with him (a/n*but this story isn't about you falling in love with Seijuro akashi no this is about you falling for a model Ryota kise) a famous, popular and very good looking towards young girls in Teiko and everywhere else. But you never got to talk to him cause you were pretty popular yourself with being a young singer and all.

>>three years later and y/n l/n and Ryota kise are now in kaijo high school you both being first years he doing basketball like what he was been doing in Teiko and you were in the music room practice a song you have been working on. Oh did I forget to say that you both are in the class room with the same home room teacher so, you did started to be friends.

Y/n pov
I walked the hallways of Kaijo high school waving at all the adoring fans that I meet every morning which I love them all as my (f/b/f/n) and (m/b/f/n) walked behind me to give the what say "we are just giving you your idol spotlight" I looking at them as they said this giving them the same "please don't be like that".

Anyway the three of you got to your class room I waved to my (m/b/f/n) cause he was in a different class room to mine and my (f/b/f/n) class room which had to be the class that I share every day with Ryota kise. I walking in with (f/b/f/n) walking passed your other class mates saying a "good morning" or a "hello" I got to my seat which was next to the window as I saw my (f/b/f/n) took her seat in front of me since Ryota taking his seat next to me seat in class.

Half way through second period Ryota ran into class apparently he got something at the basketball gym the today before but the time he want to go back for it the gym was closed he decided to this morning. He apologised to the teacher for being late rhe teacher looked at him and told him not to be late again he seat down next to you and winked you looked at him and sighed whispering "what had you so, late" he told you after class had finished.

Ryota pov
Second period I was running through the hallways well a) cause I forgot a book at the basketball gym by mistake b) I was being chased by my fan girls that kept on saying they love me and would anything for me and c) I just didn't want to go to my second period cause it was boring as hell. Anyway I got to the class after escaping from my fans I made up a excuse for the teacher and went to my seat which for next y/n and her best friend. Her best friend was watching us when I winked at y/n sitting down and took out my books for the class. I saw whisper to "what made you so, later?" I told her that I tell her later which I did and she was like "why" (a/n *you can guess what it is or can leave comments on what he told you after class*).

>>A months later thought your 1st year Ryota kise finally got the nerve to ask you out cause he had liked you for a while and he wanted to make you his before you were taken from him. Anyway this is how he asked you it was kinda of sweet the way he did it so, after basketball practice on day and you were in the music room playing the piano cause you loved the piano just in general anyway you were by yourself in the room when you heard the music door slide open but you had your back to the door so, you didn't know who it was behind you until the person had put their hands over your eyes he hearing you giggle he sat beside you.

Ryota pov
After basketball practice with my team mates I was taking a break when I realised that I didn't want to lose y/n l/n for some reason like I just didn't want anyone else to have her. So, I tuck up the courage and decided to tell her how I feel anyway I made my way to the music room after talking to one of her best friends who told me that she was in the music room.

Minutes later and I had got to the music room I slid open the door to see y/n l/n there playing the piano her back was to me as I made my way to her I had put my hands over her eyes she giggled and said "hey Ryota- kun how are you" I sat down beside here blushing she looked at me taking my hand and asks "Is there something you wanted to ask me Ryota?" I nodded and replied "yeah there is something want to ask you" she giggled and stopped she continue to look at me. So, I told her "y/n I like you well more like I love you I have had these feelings for months now and I just want anyone to have other then me so, I was wondering if you felt the same way?" I finished my confession to her.

I looked away from her cause I was blushing when I heard her accepting my confession I was shocked since I throught that she would need more time I asked "are you sure I didn't want to force you tho" she giggled and It was fine that she felt the same way about me for a while to.

>>its second year now and its been a 1 year since you accepted the love confessing from Ryota kise and started dating you both being a now famous and loved idol couple in Kaijo high school everyone ships you together you had class together and this time he wasn't going to be late but today was different cause a new (random male student name) was transferred to your class.

Months more into yours and Ryota kise's relationship you received a love letter from a secret admirer you showed your bf and your two best friends the letter he didn't like it and your two best friends but you told them that "look I'll go but I'm just reject them say I'm taken" so, you went to the location after class to see this secret admirer when you walked to the big tree to see them you walked over to th but you could see your bf from a far you felt touched that he was worried about you.

Your secret admirer told you of his feelings toward you thinking that he would have a chance with you. You said to him that "I'm sorry (random male student name) but I don't feel the same way and I'm taken alrady with someone else" you bowed and left him to meet up with you bf kise giving him a kiss walking hand in hand to your two best friends.

Y/n pov
After rejecting the (random male student name) confession I kinda felt bad but I was happy with Ryota kise anyway so, I didn't feel remorse for it anyway I looked up at kise when I saw it looked like jealousy. So, I asked "babe are you ok you jealous" rubbing his arm gently he looked at me seeing the worry in my eyes.

He took me somewhere more private and by pulling down your collar of school uniform he left marks on your neck assembly of his love so, no one would try and take you so, he made sure that he indented marks in your so, there would stay a for a while. You looked at him see his famous Ryota kise smile he gave you you shuck your head and asked "babe why did you have to leave hickey marks on my neck I won't be able to cover them wait unless that was your plan the whole time"?.

He looked at you smirking and said "well bae it's more so, a love mark then a hickey I would say" he took your hand before you could fix your girl school uniform but I guess it stayed like this through out rest of second year and 3rd year and through your career even when you both had family with on daughter name Sya kise and after you got married he still would really teel you until you asked him again and then he told you "my lovely wife I did that cause I was afraid of you leave me but it more because I wanted to let other like him that you were mine and only mine" you giggle at him looking over at your daughter Sya playing you looked back at him snuggling into your husband Ryota on the sofa you sighed and said "you should know that you the only for me anyway you didn't need to feel jealous at all cause I love you for alway and forever ok"

Word count: 1685
Hope you guys enjoy the story! See you guys in the next story ✌️

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