They Walking In On Seeing You Singing Part 2

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Shutoku high

Takao kazunari

both your team Seirin high and your bf's team Shutoku high were away for a week long training camp for some practice matches. it was half time on one of their matches. you went off to refill the teams water bottles. while you out there you started to hum to yourself cause well why not. you didn't think anyone was behind you or followed you. so you sang to your hearts content .... well until you heard the voice of your bf ''you have a cute voice'' takao said to you. blushing you looked around to see your bf right in your face ''thank you takao'' you said back to him. he asked you to sing for him again.

Rakuzan high

Kotaro Hayama
you love singing, and have been your whole life. you did music from a very young age and is still doing music to this day. on a good day you would be in the music room. other days you would be in the library studying or your twin brother's team practice if your allowed too. but today was a good day. so you were in the music room, just singing to yourself as you played the piano. Your bf taro hadn't seen you all day and well he miss you very much. So when he you heard from your twin brother sei you were in the music room.

He went to the room and opened the door to you singing like angel. He was star struck by the voice. "wow i don't know I was dating an angel in real life" you blushed knowing that was your bf taro words. You thanked him for the comment. he asked you to sing for him again.

Reo Mibuchi
Your bf was over at your place for the weekend or for the week cause of a training camp for practice matches with Seirin high anyway you were in the living room and your bf had put a his bag in your room and went back down to your to hear you singing he hadn't heard you singing before but, any as you sang the end of the song you heard clapping from behind you to your bf Reo he said "your voice is beautiful" you blushed and thanked him he asked you to sing for again.

Kaijo high

Yukio Kasamatsu
Tho may be the twin sister of Ryota kise and yes he may be a model. You did music cause you loved it. You were singing to yourself in the halls on the way to the basketball gym to your (t/b/'s) team and your bf ofc. When you got there you saw Ryota and few others but not your bf Yukio. You continued to sing to yourself while you waited. You heard "kise what the hell are you doing?" Yukio yelled at him "captain that's mean when your gf y/n came to see you" he said to him whinning as Yukio looked over to see you. A week later you were in the music room. When you heard a voice behind you "your voice is beautiful" you blsuhed and thanked him he asked you to sing for again.

Yosen high

Tatsuya Hirumo
You love sugar like your twin Atsushi but also music. Even tho you don't do music as a subject. You were your twin on the roof of Yosen elite just humming to yourself when your bf tatsuya came to see you and Atsushi and joined you for lunch. When you were going back to class your bf tatsuya ran after you in the hall "your voice was really beautiful at lunch and want to hear your voice again" he said to you. Blushing you thank him.

Seirin high

Kagami tagia
It was just a normal practice match in the Seirin high basketball gym. You stood beside your older brother hyuga and best friend rika. It was half time on of the matches. You went off to refill your teams water bottles while you out there you started to hum to yourself. Since hadn't come back your older brother hyuga told your bf tagia go and get you. As you sand to hearts content "y/n? Hyuga asked to bring you back" you stop singing and finish up refilling the water bottles. But on the way back "your singing was nice" he said. You blush and kinda was tooken back at the blunt way he worded his words but anyway you thanked him.

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