They React To You When You Ruffle Their Hair Part 2

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Shutoku high

Takao kazunari

You spending time with your bf and the team of Shutoku high was talking you saw that he was talking to your twin brother Shintaro. You decided to ruffle his hair you sitting next to him moved your hand behind his head and just simple ruffled his hair you stopped and went back to talking to one of your (b/f/n's) either (male or female) and just pretended that you hadn't done or didn't do anything. When you felt a arm around your side to see that your bf takao was just smirking at you and everyone had left which sadden you but, still you didn't like the look takao was giving you. You tried to leave but, nope he wouldn't let you go you realised that he wasn't going to anything so, you told that you just want to ruffle his to if he would any cute reaction after that he let you ruffle his hair more often.

Rakuzan high

Kotaro Hayama

Kotaro isn't the type of boy to get into fights with anyone or with anyone he knows or doesn't but this was a actually fight with family and you know his family like they are good people so, you were surprised, shocked and confused to your bf Kotaro at your front door of the akashi estate look for a place to crash at for the night looking really mad and looks like need of immediate cuddles. So, you let him in and took him up stairs to your bedroom he straight to the bed and collapse on the bedsheets. He look like was wake for days like he did not look well at all in the fact that he look completely exhausted.

Anyway you walked over to him bringing him into a hug you decided to gently ruffle his hair cause a couple of days ago you saw something say "that ruffling someone hair when they are worried, mad, upset will calm them down and make them more at ease" and since you didn't try it yet we'll you going to now so, as you lay on the bed with your bf Kotaro you decided to do it. You moved your hand to ruffle his hair gently as he told you what happened you listening to him as you stroked your hand through his hair as you continued to gently ruffle it he began to fall asleep on the bedsheets but with his arm still around your waist.

You smiled at him as you got underneath the covers of your dovet with Kotaro and fell asleep together the next day you woke up to see that Kotaro was still asleep you again smiling at him just gazed at him while he sleeped simple just staring at his guy love so, much and do anything to make happy. As he stired and woke up to see you he thanked you for letting him stay the night and for helping his calm down tho he didn't know what you did until you told what you did and he allowed you to ruffle his more often but you stayed in bed until he felt like getting up and moving you still didn't feel like he should go back just yet cause it looks like he wasn't ready to talk to them yet.

In the end it was all sorted after he told your twin brother Seijuro everything that happened and like you now he was really understanding and let you stay he told one of the maids to get the phone so, he could let his parents know he was at akashi estate after that you hug Kotaro at the front door as he made his way home to talk to his parents and everything went well which you happy and relieved about it.

Reo Mibuchi
You were over at your bf's Reo place just for the weekend and you both were just snuggle on the sofa when you realised that this was missing snacks so, you went to get snacks from the kitchen. After being what like 2 - 3 mins in the kitchen get snacks then you came back to the living room to your bf that was waiting for you. You realised knew that you shouldn't do it but you wanted to see his reaction to it so, much you wanted to ruffle his hair. But, when you started dating him you knew that he wasn't going to be the type of boyfriend that would be into hair ruffling but, you don't that until you try right. So, while you were getting snacks from the kitchen a few minutes later you got the snacks you went back to living room and since you sofa was wasn't near the wall and you were able to get behind him and ruffle his hair.

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