As bf: Kotaro-kun

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As your bf you are surprised that he was fine with you calling him "pikacat" well I mean he does have pikachu's trademark and he looks like a cheteha and there are your favourite wild cat so yeah.

He loves when you come to watch/see his games and the support you give he loves you for that

Your twin brother Seijuro akashi got you and Kotaro Hayama together

Kotaro would sometimes get nervous around when you come and watch him at basketball practice

He would take you out on mini dates over the weekend when he doesn't have practice

As one of your dates well I mean for your first dates he took you to a skateboarding park in kyoto to teach you how to skateboard cause you had asked him to.

Since you are the twin sister of Seijuro akashi you both went to teiko junior high school.

Kotaro on his spare time when he isn't at basketball practice which would be over the weekend he would teach you basketball.

One other thing he would do on his spare time is skateboarding this guy loves it it's his hobby.

He has a lot of videos and photos on of you on his phone either with you on your own acting silly or with your bf or surprisedly videos of your twin brother which surprised more cause your twin brother doesn't really get in videos just in general

Well while we are still on the topic of phones he was your named set as "love' or 'babe' or 'y/n with emoji" on the his phone contacts

When he sees you at the start of school with your twin brother Seijuro he would call you "love"

Your twin brother Seijuro, Reo Mibuchi and one other team mate would tease Kotaro about you. But they wouldn't tease you cause thats your twin brother's job

He take you out on valentines day dates or for anniversaries

He spends the Christmas holidays with your family most times or its just you and your boyfriend Kotaro.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that for one the Christmasses as a Christmas present your man Kotaro got you a Savannah cat it's a hybrid cat breed a mix between a serval and a domestic cat he/she is so, cute (leave comments if the Savannah cat is a he/she and what name would you have giving it).

You both go holidays together just spend some more time together

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You both go holidays together just spend some more time together.

You would spend weekend's at home snuggling in bed or going to a cafe or he would teach you a bit about basketball or fun you get him to read a proper book

You would both spend valentines day's giving each other love snuggles, love and dates.

A lot of date nights together as a couple you love each other.

Big fan of PDA

🔞When you and him are having sex and he looks into your eyes and sees that cloudy haze of them it makes him crazy🔞

🔞When you both are making out he loves to pull your waist when you and him kiss🔞

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