Ch. 48 - Another Wedding

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Sun had asked you for one favor. Watch reception while she and Namjoon went on a lunch date.

She was lucky that HR wasn't busy (and that Namjoon always finished his work so there was no chance of him getting behind). Besides, it was only for an hour so what was the worst that could happen?

Aside from Mr. Min coming in suddenly. 

He hesitated for the briefest moment when he saw you behind the desk. "I'm here to see my son."

"Of course."

You showed him to the elevator and used your key to let him up. "He's on the fifth floor, end of the hall."

"I'm well aware."

You managed to turn away before making a face at him. Was it your imagination or had Yoongi's parents started acting ruder to you recently? 

After a second of debating it, you dialed Yoongi's number.


"Your dad's coming up."

"What? Why? What are you doing in reception?"

"I'm just working here, Yoongi. Wanted to give you a heads up before he got there."

He sighed. "Thanks."

"Okay, that was it. Bye."

And before he could respond, you'd already hung up. He rolled his eyes. You'd gotten colder at work recently, or maybe it was his imagination.

He heard a knock on the door. "Come in."

"Yoongi. I have something to discuss with you."

"It can't wait until after work?"

"Do you think I'd be here if it could?" Mr. Min walked over to a chair but did not sit. "Your mother is downstairs, so I'll make this quick."

Meanwhile, you were downstairs dealing with a slight problem.

"I'd like to speak to Mr. Min."

You froze for a second, about to tell the man that he had the wrong number. But this was just a few days after Jin had gone in for an interview. He must be looking for Yoongi as a reference.

"Yes, sir. Can I ask who's calling?"

"This is Ryu Dong Sun. I was told I could reach him at this number."

You didn't recognize the name, but this must be for part of the catering company.

"Of course, I'm happy to transfer you. I believe Mr. Min is currently in a meeting, so if you don't receive an answer, you're welcome to leave a voicemail for him and he'll return your call as soon as he's able."

"Thank you."

You quickly transferred the call, knowing full well that Yoongi wouldn't answer. Not with his father in the room with him. There was no telling what they were talking about.

Thankfully, Sun and Namjoon came back about ten minutes later. Sun switched with you, and you quickly made your way to the elevator.

"Where's the fire?" Namjoon called.

"Yoongi's dad is here and I want to be as far away from him as possible. I'll be in my office."

Namjoon frowned. What business did he have here?

"I'm not having another shareholder's meeting," Yoongi sighed. "They're only supposed to be once a year."

"You're in charge, so why does it matter?"

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