Ch. 27 - Making It Work

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By now, you and Yoongi had figured out a schedule to getting up and going in the mornings. You always got up first and found your clothes.

If Yoongi wasn't upstairs with you, you'd go downstairs to wake him up. He'd stumble his way to the closest bathroom to wake up with a cold shower. You'd make your way to the kitchen and get something for breakfast while warming up the coffee maker. You'd also pack lunch for yourself if you were going to be staying in the office.

Once Yoongi came out of the bathroom, you'd switch off. He'd pick up his coffee and sit for a few minutes in silence while you got dressed upstairs. He'd throw on some clothes while you were finishing up in the bathroom. After that, you'd meet Jin at the door to get to work early.

So when you came downstairs after your alarm went off only to find Yoongi already wide awake, already sipping his coffee, you were confused.

"You're up already?" you mumbled, stifling a yawn in the process.

"Yeah," he replied. "I've been studying some of the quarterly reports."

Every quarter, the head of each department was supposed to submit their reports on their overall performance, unofficial employee evaluations, budget information, and any other important information. These reports were entered into the database to make sure that everyone was on track to meet their goals and check on any problems that the departments were having as a whole.

Although it was a bit complex to do four times a year, you had to admit that it had helped track and find some issues that could be fixed. 

It was the director's job to compile all the reports and check them against previous ones. If he found anything concerning, he could also hold a meeting to brainstorm any ideas to turn things around. The reports had only just been submitted recently. You were surprised Yoongi was taking to this responsibility so well.

"Nice to see you taking some initiative."

He smirked. "I told you I would start carrying my weight, didn't I? Besides, Jackson dropped his off when he met with me the other day."

"He usually runs a tight ship over there." You walked to the kitchen. "Want breakfast?"

"No, thanks."

While you started looking around for something to eat, Yoongi continued to stare at the report. There was something about it that was bothering him. He just couldn't put his finger on it yet.

Even accounting for Jackson's lack of sales during vacation, something wasn't sitting right. But if he wasn't ready for work soon, Jin would probably yell at him for holding them up.

So he stowed the report in his bag and got up to get dressed. By the time he got ready, you were already waiting on him. And within a few minutes, Jin was there to whisk you off to work.

Before he had more time to think about it, he was answering urgent emails and taking urgent phone calls. He set the receiver down only for it to start ringing again. He groaned and picked it up again.


It kept ringing.

Yoongi glanced over at his open bag. Was his...cell phone ringing? He picked that up instead.


"Mr. Min Yoongi?"

"Yes. Who's this?"

"This is Lee Hansol. I have an offer for you."

You had barely taken a bite of the sandwiches you and Namjoon were eating when Yoongi burst into your office.

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