Chapter 1: All Your Hate

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"Dad! Stop!" I scream. I was hoping someone would hear my cries of help, but that never happens.

"No! I'm teaching you a lesson!" He shouts in reply.

Ok. I'm pretty sure you're a little confused, so let me explain. I'm Athena. Athena Mavros. I'm 19 and I live with my younger sisters, Hera and Aphrodite (we're Greek), and my father. My parents divorced when I was only six and ever since then, my father abused me. I would've left to live with my mom, but she died in a car accident the year after they split up. My father is a wreck. He's an alcoholic, he sits on a couch all day watching TV, he only gets up to yell at my sisters and I or beat us, he always smells like shit, must I go on with this list?

I'm basically the "man of the house." I work most of day at a stupid, low class, fast food restaurant on minimum wage, I have to buy groceries, feed my little sisters, pay for some of the bills, and protect the girls as much as I can. I would move out with a friend and take my sisters with me, but my father won't let me leave. Plus, I don't have any friends at all. In school, I was known as the emo bitch, or the Satanist. I'm not an "emo bitch", nor am I a Satanist. I was just a teenager who loved rock, was a dreamer, and was just different from everyone else. But that's whatever. All I have are my two sisters, music, and cigarettes.

"One day, I won't let you control me anymore! I am an adult, you know! I can take my ass right out of the house with Hera and Aphrodite and move into my own place!" I shouted at him. He grabbed the closest object to him and threw it at me, aiming for my head. The object just so happened to be a knife from his dinner and luckily, I dodged it.

"You are not leaving this house, little girl! Not until I'm dead!"

"I can arrange that..." I mumbled.

"What did you say, you little shit?!"

"Nothing!" I've just about had it with this fucking monster. I turn to go upstairs to my room and I see my sisters running to hide. I think they saw the whole thing. I go to my room with tears starting to fill my eyes and I grab my pack of cigarettes. "I'm going outside to smoke, " I mumble to him, slamming the front door behind me. I really needed to get out of that place. I place a cigarette in my mouth and light it, trying to relieve some of my stress. It usually helps. I had smoked about four of them and I finally went back inside.

With all the tension in the house, I had totally forgotten that I was going to a Black Veil Brides concert I had saved up for tomorrow. I raced upstairs to choose my outfit for my special day tomorrow. I went through my iPod and put on some Black Sabbath. Singing the lyrics to their song, 'Iron Man,' I picked out a black leather jacket, a BVB tee that I shredded at the bottom a few years ago, black shorts, red fishnet tights, and a pair of black converse. I decided to choose accessories tomorrow, only because I'm lazy. I went to the girls' room and asked them what they wanted for dinner.

"Salad," they both blandly said. Just as I was about to leave, Hera asked,

"Athena? Did you really mean what you said to dad about moving and taking us with you?"

"Yeah, Of course I meant it, but I need to save enough money for an apartment. Once I have enough, we'll move out. For right now, just don't worry about it," They both gave me a warm, touching smile and their eyes were filled with so much hope. I closed their door and headed for the supermarket. I attempted to ask my father what he wanted or needed from Wal-Mart, but he didn't reply. I rolled my eyes and shrugged it off, heading over to my car. I thought about what the girls had asked me and it just about brought tears to my eyes. I can't fucking mess this up for them.

Soon, I return home from Wal-Mart, giving the pre-made salad to the girls."We have a surprise for you when you aren't busy," they told me with a devious expression plastered on their face. I hate surprises and they know that, so I was quite nervous when they said that, but I'm sure they'll mean well. We had all finished dinner, and I had told them that I was free, and they could show me the surprise. They lead me to their room and told me to close my eyes. I heard one of them rummaging through some stuff and I all I could do was wonder what they were up to.

"Ok, you can open your eyes now," Aphrodite said. Once I did, there was jar of change and a few bills in Hera's hands and a stack of money in Aphrodite's.

"What's this for? Where'd you get all of this?" I asked. I was stunned.

"It's money to help move out," Aphrodite explained.

"Yeah. We wanted to help. We saved some of our money from past years in case we wanted something special, and this is," Hera finished.

"Girls, I can't take this. It's your money. You two should be focusing on school and teenage things, not worrying about housing. That's my job..."

"You're taking it, no excuses," Hera huffed. I sighed, knowing I wasn't going to win this battle.

"Well, thank you, but I won't touch it," I couldn't believe they were just giving me their own money! I had to hide it. Hide it some place my father wouldn't find it. I hugged them and rushed into my room, putting the money in a box that was under my bed, placing the box into a bigger box, putting it under my bed again. I checked them time, and it was almost 10:30. I wanted to go to bed early so I could be rested for the concert tomorrow. I set my alarm for 12:00 pm and I went to bed


My alarm blasted in my ears at exactly 12, so I turned it off and just laid in my bed. It was so peaceful and quiet. The girls had left for school, I couldn't hear my father, and I'm totally rested. All in all, it's a good day so far. I hopped out of bed and open my window just to get some fresh air in my room. There was a gentle breeze coming in and it felt fantastic. I went into the bathroom and took a long, warm shower. I seriously felt so relaxed!

I wrapped myself in a towel and went to see if my father was home. I checked every room and every nook and cranny. No one. I was home alone. As soon as I figured it out, I raced up to my room, blasted some BVB from my iHome dock and starting getting dressed. I realized that my window was still open, and I was probably disturbing the whole neighborhood, but I didn't give a single fuck. I went and straightened my dark long hair, got dressed, and just chilled all day singing every lyric to every song by BVB. This was going to be the best day ever!

I lit a cigarette and was just care free...until I heard someone walk in the front door. I turn off the music and go downstairs. I then see my father with the angriest expression on his face. All I could think was 'shit.'

"How many times have I told you to not blast that shit? I could hear it from the corner of the block!"

"You weren't here so I-"

"No! Listen to me, you little fucker! One, don't fucking smoke while I'm speaking to you! Second, just because I'm gone, you disobey me?!"

"Technically, you have no authority over me."

"Oh yeah? Is that so?"

"Yeah. When I was 18 I should've taken control. I'm now 19..."

"Did you have any plans tonight?"


"If you did, they're now canceled. You aren't leaving this house for anything for a month or you are dead. And I mean it this time."

When he said that, my heart dropped. I just can't believe it. No BVB concert? I've been waiting so long for it. I can't go to work and worst of all, I can't get anything for the girls to eat and I know damn well that sick man I call 'father' isn't going to pick up anything for us. I might as well die right now, because I would end up dead anyway.

"I fucking hate you! You know that, old man? I hate you!" I ran up to my bedroom crying hysterically. Just as I was about to give up hope, an idea popped into my head. I was going to sneak out. I lit another cigarette and started think of a plan to get out of this hell hole.


A/N: Hello! This is my first post on this site and honestly, I'm proud of this so far. I hope you're enjoying this because my friends are(they don't have a wattpad, though...). Yes, I do realize that the main character smokes a lot but I don't care. Tell me if you are enjoying this and stay tuned for more stuff. <3


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