Chapter 5: We Stitch These Wounds

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**Andy's POV**

"Dude, what took so long, what just happened, and why does Athena have luggage?" CC asked so many questions like a little kid. Gotta love him, right? I chuckled before I told the guys the part of the story, hugging Athena the whole time. I didn't know if she wanted me to tell the guys everything, so I kept a few parts to myself. She was really traumatized by this, she was shaking. I couldn't help but to feel like this was all my fault. If I hadn't asked her to hang out today, none of this would've happened.

**Athena's POV**

Am I really doing this? I seriously ran away with the Black Veil Brides, leaving behind my horrible father! sisters! No! I can't just leave them! My father is most likely going to take everything out on them. I whipped out my phone and texted Hera.

Me: hey honey. I left home and went with a band and I'm probably not coming back for a while. I'll see if I can get you in a few months. I'm so sorry. If you hate me I'll understand. I let you down :( tell Aphrodite too. Your money is under my bed. I love you so much. Stay strong, see you soon, love

I waited. No answer. I sighed. "So, where am I staying?"

"Follow me, Ms. Athena." Andy led me to the back of the bus. We exchanged warm smiles. Ugh! His smile just makes me melt! We went into a room with bunks and the guys' crap was everywhere. It looked like a tornado hit.

"You can sleep under my bunk and above Jinxx's." Score! I'm under Andy (Not intended to be perverted). He left me alone so I can unpack a few things. I took out my laptop and hung up a photo of my mom and one of my sisters on the wall next to my bunk. I changed into sleep shorts, an Escape The Fate tank top, and the hoodie Andy gave me. I walk back into the living area with the guys and sat next to Ash. Andy sat across from us and he looked a little hurt 'cause I sat with Ash I suppose. Ashley wrapped his arm around me and Andy's bright eyes went dull. He looked kind of angry. But why? I felt a bit uncomfortable about it though.

"I think I should go to bed, guys. It's pretty late and I have trouble sleeping sometimes," I got from under Ashley 's arm and went to my bunk. It was almost 4am and I was tired as hell. I laid down, closed the curtain, and wrapped myself in the blankets. It was really cold because the air conditioner was on full blast.

I plugged my headphones into my iPod and started playing Rebel Love Song by, of course, Black Veil Brides. Music usually puts me to sleep in an hour, which is relatively fast for me.


Just as I started to drift off to sleep, I heard rustling in the background. Being the person I am, I started getting scared. Yes, I know that the only other people on the bus are the driver, the guys,and some crew, but I was scared out of my mind. I was probably just really paranoid, thinking it was my dad.

I built up the courage to open the curtain and I come to find that it's only Andy. He was getting undressed. Lovely view, but it was awkward.

"Sorry. Did I wake you?" He asked taking his pants off. Gosh! I feel like I'm starring.

C'mon, just play it cool Athena.

"Um, no. Just listening to music." Great, I'm safe from embarrassment.

"Is someone cold?" He smirked looking at me wrapped in two blankets. He was taking off his shirt. Holy body...

"Just a little, but don't worry. I'll live." He put on a muscle tank and smiled at me.

"Nonsense!" He pulled out a heavy comforter from under all the bunks and laid it on top of me. "Better?"

"Thanks and yeah, it's much better," I smiled. He chuckled and climbed into his bunk above me. I closed my curtain and rolled over, wrapping myself in a blanket cocoon. I was warmer than before and I went to bed thinking about Andy.

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