Chapter 31: Meeting the 'Rents

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"Baby? Wake up," I was lightly shook. I opened my eyes, and a pair of bright blue ones met mine.

"What time is it?" I said, coving my face. I remembered that I didn't get a chance to take off my makeup last night. I probably look a mess.


"Why'd you wake me up?" I groaned.

"My parents should be here in a few hours and Ashley from New Years has been asking for you since 9."

"Oh, yeah. Today is our hang out day."

"Aw man. Really?" He groaned.

"Yep. I'm spending the night on
their bus tonight."

"Damn. I wanted to spend today with you..."

"I'm sorry," I kissed his nose. "She asked first. The day I got here, actually."

"Oh well...our show is at 3:42 today, so make sure you're at the stage by then."

"I should go get dressed," I mumbled. I didn't want to get up, but I didn't want to keep Ashley waiting longer than she already has been. I slid from out of the bunk and rummaged through my luggage. I picked out a red skater skirt, a black cropped shirt, and my studded black boots. I looked around to see if any else besides Andy and myself were in the bunk room. I saw no one, so I locked the door, and got dressed. I wiped off all of my make up as well.

I left the room to go to the mini kitchen, and I made myself a cup of coffee.

"Morning, A." Jinxx smiled as he passed through.


"Sleep well?"

"Yeah. I'm just feeling shitty right now."

"Hang over?"

"Oh, yeah. It's a big one too, but I'll manage," I popped an Advil in my mouth, and took a sip of my coffee.

"Hope you feel better. We're heading out, so I'll catch you at the show if we don't see you before."

"Alright Jinxxy, see you later," I waved and he left. Just as Jinxx walked out, Andy walked in. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek.

"Je t'aime, bébé," He whispered huskily. I melted.

"Parlez vous français?" I asked.

"Oui," he smirked.

"Since when?"

"Since I took it in high school. I also took Spanish."

"Interesante, mi amor," I laughed. "I've got to go."

"Okay," he pouted. "See you in a bit." He kissed my head, before letting go of me. I grabbed my phone and access pass and stuck an eyeliner in my pocket. I didn't want to waste time putting on makeup right now.

"Avtío," I said, rushing out the door. Goodbye in Greek. I sent a text to Ashley telling her I was on my way to her bus. Right before I got there, she told me no one was there. She was about to perform with Set it Off in a few minutes. Everyone else was at the Kia Forte stage, about to go on. I groaned and rushed over to see Set it Off. I made it to the stage and flashed my pass to the roadies. I got to wave to Ashley before she went on to perform Partners in Crime.

They were amazing, as always. She skipped off the stage when she finished, and we ran to main stage together.

"What took you so long?" She asked as we ran.

"Tired. Andy didn't wake me up. Didn't know you were asking for me."

"Oh well. At least we'll be together the rest of the day."

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