Chapter 2: My Outlaw Eyes

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I've been locked in my room all day, hatching up a plan to go to that concert. It was an hour before the show and I needed to pick up the pace with figuring out how to leave. My only way is to jump out of my window and run there. I couldn't take my car because my father had my keys. The theater was about a 10 minute drive, but with traffic and having to get there by foot, would take about 45 minutes. I had about 5 seconds to get myself situated and to start going out the window.

I grabbed my bag that had an extra eye liner pencil, a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, and about twenty bucks. I opened my window and noticed how it was three feet higher than expected. It took all of my courage to jump, but I had finally did it. I made sure the coast was clear, and I made a ran to the theater.

As I'm running for dear life, I realize that it's taking me longer than expected to get there. I stop to catch my breath and I look around me. I'm lost. Fuck! How does that even happen? I know this town like the back of my hand!Now I'm going to be even more late, and security might not even let me in. Great. Just fantastic.

I start wandering around to see if I knew where I was. I walked down an ally and I see the pizzeria that's around the corner from the theater. Maybe I could make it! I ran as fast as my legs could and I had finally reached my destination, but sure enough the doors were locked. Tears started to fill my eyes. I did all this for nothing. I slump down to the ground just sitting there. I could hear the singing faintly, and I had to sing along to myself. I couldn't believe I wasn't in there with all the other fans, feeling at home, getting you see the people who saved my life perform live... I stood up and kicked the door in anger. I sat back down, drifting off to sleep.

I suddenly woke up. The concert wasn't over yet but I had a feeling it would end shortly. I stand up and start wandering. I then heard a crunching or snapping sound. Startled, I turned around. No one was there. Maybe I was just hearing things.

Shortly after I turned back around and was walking, I heard to noise again. Am I being followed? I picked up my pace and turned a corner. I looked behind me again and I see these six guys following me. They seemed drunk. Two of them started whistling at me like I was a dog.

"Hey sexy!" One slurred, "Wanna put on a little show for us?"

Stupidly, I replied, "Fuck off, cunt!"

"Get her!" The guy yelled. Five of the guys were now chasing me. I thought I was running fast earlier, now I'm running at lightning speed.

They were gaining on me, I could feel it. I turn another corner but it's a dead end; an ally way with a few doors on both sides. I'm fucked. This is it. I'm going to die. I wish I told my sisters that I loved them before I left. The ring leader of the group caught up and tackled me to the ground and pinned me down. "Think you're so tough, huh? You tough now?" I didn't reply, for I was scared out of my mind. "Answer me, bitch!" He yelled and slapped me.

"Help! Someone help m-" I tried to scream, but he just covered my mouth.

"Shhh...just stay quiet, and be a good little girl..." he whispered. He started to unzip his pants and I was getting so uncomfortable, so I bit him. Another big mistake I made. He was really mad and he took my head and bashed it against the ground. I blacked out.


A/N: I hope you guys are liking it so far. Get ready for the next part! <3 ^_^


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