Chapter 12:

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The guys just....stared at me. To say that I was uncomfortable is an understatement.

"Athena, you're about to take your first bite of sushi. How do you feel?" CC asked, pointing an imaginary microphone at my face.

"I'd be even better if everyone wasn't looking at me. I kinda don't like all of the attention..." I picked up the chop sticks, then picked up a piece. As hesitant as I was, I popped it into my mouth and chewed.

"Well?" Jake pressed.

"This is fucking fantastic," I laughed, putting another one in my mouth.

"Welcome do the dark side," Jinxx smirked. I laughed a little and continued eating. I kind of just put myself in a little bubble after a while. I sat, ate, and just listened to the guys laugh and joke around. But, I couldn't help but notice still a little bit of tension between Andy and Ash. Do they not notice how annoying that is? Do the others not notice either? Because if they do, they have a funny way of showing it...

I eventually tuned the guys out and started thinking once again. I started to think about Andy, and how I just left him hanging there by the swing set. Sure I was mad, but I could've just told him and not make him feel like shit. He was just being friendly, and I just took it to another level. I hate-

"Athena? You alright?" Wil asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"You sure? You seem...mad."

"I'm sure. It's nothing."


"Yes. I'm sure," I said curtly. His interrogation was annoying me.

Why am I acting like such a bitch? He was just worried.

My phone went off in my pocket.

Andy: Are you mad at me?

Me: No. Not anymore at least. I was at the park when you kissed my head, but I blew it out of proportion. Sorry.

Andy: You shouldn't be sorry. You have every right to be mad. I shouldn't have that, so I'm sorry.

Me: It's really fine.

Andy: So what's up with Ash now? I mean, you were the last person alone with him, so I assume you know...

Me: I think we should talk about that alone.

Andy: That bad?

I didn't reply after that. I just finished the plate of my new found love in silence, though I noticed Andy kept glancing at me for reassurance. I felt so bad, because I couldn't reassure him at all. I don't know how he's going to react when I tell him. Once everyone was finished, Jinxx asked for the check. I tried to pay for my meal and tip, but the guys wouldn't let me. They wouldn't even let me at least look at the bill. I sighed in defeat, and let them take charge. I was slightly ticked, but they were being gentlemen, so I can't really blame how they were raised.

The walk back to the hotel was the worst, I swear. I hated it so much. I was next to Andy, but guess who was on the other side of me? If you guessed Ashley, you'd be correct. They didn't talk. At all. I was the meat in the Awkward Tension Sandwich special. I tried to start conversation, but it was quickly dismissed. The others felt the tension too, but they didn't try and help it, they just stopped talking too! So it was quiet. The. Whole. Time. I just about pulled out my headphones and blast music in my ears.

"Thank god, we're back!" I yelled once back at the hotel's parking lot. I ran upstairs as quickly and classy as I could. I fished out my room key in my wallet and unlocked the door, ran to my, plopped face down in the pillow, and screamed.

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