Chapter 13:

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Sorry for the huge time jump, just need to speed things up a little bit... Enjoy



**Time Elapse: End of Tour(Beginning of March)**

"Nice show, guys!" I said as they all clambered on to the bus. At the moment I was packing my bags up for Andy to take back to his apartment. I was going to take a plane back to Oregon to get my sisters, get some last minute stuff from my room and around town, and get another plane back for all of us. I miss my sisters so much, and if that man did anything to hurt them even more than he has, I'm all good with being charged with murder.

"Thanks. I still can't believe it's over though. The crowds were just fucking amazing," Jinxx said. From what I've witnessed the past few weeks I've been on tour with these guys, it was a really good turn out.

"I know! I got so many new blindfolds!" CC said, referring to the bras that fans throw onstage.

"You and your damn bras," I said, shaking my head and zipping up my last bag. Everything reeked. My clothes smelled like a sweaty man. Once I get to L.A. with the guys, I'm washing everything ASAP.

I went into the bunk room to check if I left anything and grab things that I left out that I knew I would need. Surprisingly, in the midst of quickly packing everything when I was escaping last month, a backpack was thrown inside of the suitcase, so I left that aside for my journey back home. The bus driver is supposed to drop me off at the airport now, so I packed my essentials. Cigarettes (no lighter because I assume I can't have that, so I'll buy a new one), phone, its charger, and ear buds, a light snack, as much money as I could take out of the ATM, and my keys. I'm surprised I even brought them.

"Are you sure you don't want me or any of us to go with you?" Andy asked softly as he walked up to me in the bunk room.

"I'm sure. I can handle it, Andy. You guys need your rest and I bet you all want some sleep in your actual beds at home."

"I just don't want you or your sisters getting hurt." It's cute that he cares not just about me, but the well being of my sisters as well.

In case your wondering, no, we're still not dating. I know, I know, we should be by now. It's been almost three weeks since he asked, but is still need a little bit more time. He just needs to be Mr. Right, you know? I glad he's still loves me in the same way. If he had let me go, I don't know what I'd do.

See what he's done? He turned me into a sappy teen twilight girl.

"I'll be fine, don't worry. I'll call when I get off the plane, when I'm at the house, when I leave the house, and when I'm on my way. Okay? And I'll need your address so a taxi can take me there."

"Alright. Sounds good, I guess," he started to walk out, but stopped and turned around. "Are you 100% positive you don't want any of us with you? Because-"

"Andy! I'll be fine. You need to stop worrying so much. You're going to make me nervous," I smiled.

"Alright, alright. I'll stop, but I just couldn't bare to see or hear about you and/or your sisters being hurt."

"I. Will. Be. Just. Fine," I said, hugging him. He gave me a tight squeeze before letting go of me. We went back out front to the living area with the rest, to find them drinking. Is this what happens on the last day of tour? A shitload of drinking? I was so tempted to join them, but I had to be sober for the airport.

About a half hour dealing with loud, crazy drunk men, we made it to the airport. I tried to give as many people as I could a hug before they started feeling me up, so make that three people; Jon, Jake, and Jinxx. Andy stayed sober so he could take me inside. I yelled my last goodbyes and thanked Seth for putting up with everyone's bullshit and being an awesome driver, and walked off the bus with my bag in hand and Andy at my side. I bought my ticket for the next flight to Oregon which was actually sooner than I expected; 45 minutes. We walked all the way to the part where they check your bag and put you through the metal detector thingy. This is where we had to depart.

"Please be safe, ok?" He faced me and said.

"I will. I'll be back tomorrow. If there's any delay, I tell you guys, and I'll make sure to tell you first," I smiled and poked his chest. He pulled me into a tight, unexpected hug. He latched on for quite a bit. "You make it seem like I'm leaving forever," I chuckled. He loosened his grip. He kept his hands on my waist. He leaned in.

He kissed me.

"Be safe. Have fun with your sisters." And then he left. I'm just standing there like an idiot, in shock from what just happened. I fully collected myself and went through the detector thing. Once I was through, I went to get something to eat and a drink to keep me up. I bought a Pink Lemonade Monster and a blueberry muffin. I went to my gate number and sat down with the few other people. I quietly listened to music and ate and drank with my legs criss-cross-applesauce in my seat.

In my slight boredom, I looked at my ticket, reading everything on it. I noticed the date. It's March 9th. I never really cared about the dates when I was with BVB. So that means tomorrow is the 10th, which also means it's my birthday. I'm turning 20 tomorrow. Actually, in an hour. Getting my sisters back is probably the best gift ever.

Not too long after I had sat, people were getting up, forming a line, and handing the flight attendant their tickets. My music was loud, so I guess I didn't hear the boarding call. I threw my trash away and got in line with the rest.

I found my seat on the plane. You could say that I was somewhat excited. This was my first time ever on a plane. I always dreamed that my first experience on a plane would be me after I ran away from home, never returning. Who would have guessed that I was actually headed back home?

Now, I have texted Hera a bit, so I do somewhat know what that man is doing to them. Hera also told me that Aphrodite is hella mad at me for leaving, which is understandable. I was pretty much having the time of my life with my favorite band, and they were being beaten even more harshly because I left. I have to make it up to them. Thankfully, Hera is the older, more forgiving one of the two.

Me: I'm on my way home now. The flight isn't long. Text me if he leaves tomorrow morning.

Hera: Ok. I miss you. See you soon.

Her text caused me to smile. I noticed that I was alone in my row once the plane took off. I put in my head phones and started to relax.

Me: On the plane. You can tell the guys.

Andy: Thanks for telling me x

Ok, so here's the semi-full update on how tour went for me. I've been clean ever since that day I cracked and cut, so hooray for that. Andy and Ashley made up, so that's fantastic. I've met Sammi Doll through Skype when Jinxx was video chatting her. She's really sweet. I gained 5 pounds, which is good. I would always eat, but never really gain, so I'm super thin, but I gained! Tall and twig thin doesn't really look great on me. I mean, it does on others like Andy, but not me.

My eyes started changing colors, which is weird. I have green eyes, and recently, they've been getting brighter one day, and turning like a hazel-brown the next, and back to normal the day after that. I've fallen harder for Andy, but you already know that. Wil and I became best friends like I thought. I got closer with everyone, but I still feel a bit distant with CC, so that has to change. Oh! And I finally got to go to my first club! I was snuck in, of course, but it was so fun. I don't even know how to dance, and I probably looked ridiculous (contrary to what the guys told me), but it was still a lot of fun. That's really it. Nothing entirely special.

So now, back to reality:

That kiss. Holy hell, that kiss. I mean it wasn't much, but it was sweet and surprising. It was a 'Goodbye-for-now' kiss, and I loved it. I think I'm ready. I think it's time for-

Andy: I gotta ask you something when you come back.


A/N: Yeah, sorry for this one being short(just a little filler), but the next chapter WILL be up tomorrow.

5k reads!


P.S. if you haven't noticed, I gave up on naming the chapters ^.~

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