Chapter 26:

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Getting up the next morning was difficult. When Bry and Tawny fell asleep in my bed, I snuck off to Andy's room and slept in his bed. I just needed that familiar smell of cologne and cigarettes. It hasn't even been 24 hours, and I'm already starting to miss him. I'm waiting for him to call, telling me they're safely in Seattle. I decided to make breakfast for everyone before they woke up. I needed a distraction.

From what ingredients we had, I made Belgian waffles and bacon. Lots of bacon. Half way through preparing everything, the three girls, Tawny, Bryanna, and Hera, came downstairs, ready to eat. If you're wondering where Aph is, she's spending the weekend with Erin and her family.

Everyone happily ate then took their showers.

"Ready for your first fucking tattoo?!" Tawny shouted, coming downstairs.

"You bet I am!" I smlied, clutching my drawing book. I grabbed my key set and we headed out to the car. I put in an Avenged Sevenfold CD, and had Tawny direct me to the tattoo parlor. She pointed to a parking spot once were close enough. There was a small sign above the door that read, 'Body Piercing and Tattoos.' I was kind of nervous, but the good nervous.

"Here we are! Body Electric Tattoos." Tawny smiled as we all got out of the car.

"So this is where you get all of your tattoos and piercings?" Hera asked.

"Yeah, the majority. If I'm out of state, I'll probably get a tattoo where I am, other than that, this is it. I get a bit of a discount here like, all the time, so that probably is what makes me stay," she winked. We walked through the doors, and from what I could tell, the place was really clean.

We walked to the front desk, and a man was flipping through files, and writing things down.

"Hi can I help you?" He looked up, and said, "Oh, it's just you." I was slightly confused, until Tawny spoke up.

"Is that anyway to treat your little cousin, Brian?" She smirked. That's when rverything made sense, and I'm was no longer confused.

"Yep. So, what brings you back, Kitten? You were just here."

"Well, it's not just me today. I owe my friend here a birthday tattoo," she pointed to me.

"And you're getting?..."

"You're piercing my tongue."

"Again? What do you keep doing, child? Good lord..." He shook his head.

"I'm always ending up having to take it out. I'm also debating whether not not to get my smiley done, but right now, this is about Athena."

"Athena? Pretty name," he smiled at me. "So what were you thinking on getting done? I'm Brian, by the way."

"Hi, and I was thinking to get this on my upper left thigh," I showed him the drawing.

"Did you draw this?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"It's beautiful, that's why. I'll get one of the guys to draw this out for you, and we'll get you started," he smiled and walked away.

"So, are you excited?" Hera poked me.

"More than you know." I smiled. It took about a half hour for them to draw out the tattoo.

"Athena? I'm Taka Tamada. I'll be your artist today, so let's go to my station and take a look at what I drew out for you." I followed the guy to chair, and he showed me the drawing.

"I love it. I really do," I smiled.

"Your left thigh, right?"


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