Chapter 41: Hail The King of Death

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Warning: Take all of your feels right now, and trash them.

I'm almost five months into this pregnancy and frankly, it's not as bad as I thought. We found out the sex last week, and it's a boy like we wanted. We already have ideas for names, but we aren't sharing. We'll tell the name when he's born.

"Hello..." Andy picked up the phone, "No not really...umm..." He glanced at me.

"What?" I whispered.

"I'm going to stay home with Athena...No yeah, another time...Sure... Okay, later," he hung up.

"Who was that?"

"CC. He was asking if I wanted to go to a bar tonight, but I'm going to stay with you."

"No, you should go out and have fun! You haven't been out in ages!"

"I want to stay with you. I can't just leave my pregnant wife at home while I go get wasted."

"Well, than I'll go with you."

"Uh, no, you're not."

"Yes I am. I've barely left this house besides going to work or getting groceries. I'm pregnant, not dying. You'll need a DD anyway."

"Is there any way I can convince you not to go?"


"Fine," he groaned. "I'll text CC."

"Good. We'll have a blast, don't worry."


We pulled up to one of the bars we usually go to, and got out the car. CC, Lauren, and Ash, who were waiting for us outside, waved to us.

"Hey! Glad you could make it," CC smiled. "Come on." He held the door open for us and we went inside.

"So how's everything going?" Lauren asked as the boys went off.

"Pretty alright actually. Andy is happy, I'm happy, the baby is healthy, and we're all great. How about you two?"

"Still great as always, living with a goof ball," She smiled.

"So, are you the DD tonight?" I asked.

"Unfortunately," she shrugged.

"It's not that bad."

"It's not until two drunk men get in the car," she chuckled.

"Oh, see, I only have one."

"Come on, let's go get a Shirley Temple since we can't drink."

"I'd never pass up a Shirley Temple," I smiled. We walked up to the bar and ordered our drink, watching the guys get wasted while we waited for it to be prepared.

"I'm telling you, the boys really can't be tamed when it comes to either their music or alcohol," Lauren shook her head in amusement.

"But we love 'em for it," I glanced at Andy and smiled. I love when he's happy, even if he is intoxicated...


"Alright, baby, I think it's time to go," I patted Andy's back and helped him up from his seat.


"Because you're a bit of a mess right now. Now, come on."

Lauren giggled at me trying to get Andy to leave. Meanwhile, I laughed at her gathering CC and Ashley. We gave up and left them to sober up a little bit.

Once they were almost completely aware of their surrounding and what they were doing, we left. We walked slowly back to the car, taking everything in. It was a nice night. The moon was full and the stars shined brightly.

"Stay close to me," Andy whispered sternly in my ear.

"What's the matter?"

"That same car has been circling this block for a bit."

"I'm sure it's nothing. They're probably looking for someone."

"I doubt it. Hollywood isn't a very safe place. Just stay close." I nodded as my gaze was set on the car Andy was talking about.

The car came around the block again, this time with the window down. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion as the person stuck their arm out of the car. My vision was blocked by Andy's body and his arms flung around mine, protectively.

All I could hear were loud bangs, over and over again and the screams of other people on the street. This has to be a shooting. The next thing I know, Andy is crumpling to the ground and the screeching of tire become distant.

"Andy?" I drop to my knees next to him. His lips are quivering and it sounds as if he's struggling to breathe. "Andy!" I shout. I pull him up so his head is rested on my lap.

"Fuck. I love you," he said softly. A tear leaves his eye. "I love all of you. You and the baby the most."

"No, no, no. Andy, please, you have to stay with me," I beg and sob. My pants are becoming soaked with blood. "Help! Someone call an ambulance!"

"I'm slipping, I can feel it."

"No, baby look at me. Stay with me," I push his hair out of his face. "Ash! CC! Lauren?! Someone?!"

"You'll be okay without me," he choked out. The sound of him struggling to breathe was killing me inside.

"Shhh. Don't say that. You'll be fine," I ran my thumb against his lips then took his hand in mine. He's getting cold.

"I guess it's safe to say that I really did die for you."

"Stop it right now," I start to hear distant sirens. "Help is coming, baby. Please."

"I can't. I can't. it," he coughs and I start to see blood come up to his mouth. He's gone, I know.

"I love you so much," I whisper. He looks at me one last time as he takes his last breath. This blank, dead eyes peered into my soul as I cry out in agony. I shut is lids and kissed his forehead.

This must be a dream. It has to be. It has to be one of my terrible nightmares, and I really want to wake up now.


"Breaking news: A drive by shooting occurred outside of a local bar, killing three people and injuring two. Singer Andy Biersack of American rock back, Black Veil Brides, was pronounced dead on site. The band's drummer Christian Mora is hospitalized for being shot in the arm.

"The people who have committed this crime have yet to be caught. Once we get word, you'll be the first to-"

I shut of the tv. He's gone. He's really gone. The love of my life, the father of my child is dead. He saved me. He died for me.

A/N: I realize how short this is, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry if you're also really fucking mad at me. I'd be mad, too.

P.S. It's not the end yet. New chapter very very soon.

I love you, even if you hate me now,


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