Chapter 11:

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*Athena's POV*

While everyone took the elevator, Andy and I took the stairs. We were silent. A pleasantly silent. When wee reached the lobby, we noticed the guys waiting.

"Alright, let's go fuck shit up!" CC shouted, running out the automatic doors.

"Oh no. We might need one of those kiddy leashes right about now," I laughed. Only Jinxx and Jake laughed with me. There was some sort of tension between Ash and Andy. Not a little, but a lot. It was a bit uncomfortable. I ran out the door, following CC in the parking lot to avoid the awkwardness. I'll have to face it sooner or later though.

"Following me?" CC chuckled.

"I suppose so," I smiled back.

"So, where do you want to go?"

"Well, I don't even know what state we're in. That would be helpful to know," I looked around at my surroundings.6

"I think we're in Pheonix, Arizona." That's pretty far from Salem, Oregon. From Home. From my sisters.

"Oh. Well, let's Google what's in the area." I scroll through Google after searching Pheonix, Arizona. "Hey, there's this little park like place we could go to. It looks fun and it's not too far from here."

"Okay. Sounds fun!"

"What sounds fun?" Jake asked, coming up to us, followed by the other three.

"This park. It's not far," CC answered.

"Okay. Let's go," Ash said excitedly.

I looked at the guys for a second. "Um, yeah. Where we're going, you might want to dress more dirt friendly. Just a suggestion," I said. They looked down at themselves and each other. I don't think leather boots and jackets and jeans with massive holes in them would be suitable to be rolling around in.

"I guess you're right," Andy said.

"Well, back upstairs!" CC exclaimed, throwing his fist the air. We all ran up the stairs this time, and they guys headed to the rooms, with me waiting in the hallway. I decided to ask Wil and Jon if they wanted to come. I pulled out my phone and texted Wil first.

Me: Hey, do you want to come with us to a park?

Wil: Totally! When?

Me: Like, now. And wear comfortable clothes for the weather. We're going to be rolling around like dirt balls, and shit.

Wil: Ok. I'll be out in a sec :)

Now to text others...

Me: Guys and I going to a park. Wanna come?

Jon: Nah. A little tired. But if you do something later, I'll come :)

Me: Alright! Later!

The guys came out of their rooms not too long after I texted Jon and Wil.

"Ready?" Ash asked.

"Not yet. Wil is coming too," I smiled. The door behind me opened and Wil walked out. "Well, now we're ready," I chuckled. We raced down stairs to the lobby, then outside.

"We're walking there, right?" Wil asked me.

"That is correct. If I'm not mistaken, it's about 5 blocks away."

"Oh, that's not bad at all! Let's go!" We left the hotel's parking lot, heading for the park. We walked in a comfortable silence, with a few jokes here and there.

I noticed a swing set upon arrival, and I ran to it as fast as I could. I love playing on swings. I find it quite relaxing actually. The guys made their way slowly, but surely, to the swings as well. I wasn't really trying to go high up, but I felt pressure on my back, causing me to. I turned around smiling, noticing Andy was pushing me.

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