Chapter 24:

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*Time Elapse: 2 weeks*

Today, I didn't feel like doing anything. I'm always like this on this date. Fourteen years ago, my mom died in a car crash.

I just sat on my bed alone, listening to music through my speakers. I've kind of been pushing Andy away today. I let the girls stay home today. They're just in their rooms.

Every time Andy knocked on the door, I didn't answer. I locked the door so he or anyone couldn't come in. It may be extreme, I know, but I do this every year. Think, remember, listen to music, keep to myself. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Baby, I know you're mourning, but at least just let me in?" Andy knocked. He's been knocking four times each hour. I sighed, got up, and opened the door. I didn't look at him. I just went back over to my bed. The other side of the bed dipped. We sat in silence, other than some Icon For Hire song in the background. I wasn't in the mood to decipher what song it was, I could just tell it was Ariel's voice.

I found myself latched onto Andy. I didn't even notice I went over to the other side of the bed. I was also crying. He just rocked me back and fourth with me in his arms until I calmed down.

"Have you eaten today?" He asked. I shook my head no.

"All I had was a bottle of water."

"Are you hungry?"

"A little," I shrugged.

"I'll be back, then. I'll pick something up for all of us," He stood, kissed my head, and left. I sighed and left the room myself.

"Come in," Hera said after I knocked on their door.

"How're you guys holding up?" I asked as I went to sit on the floor.

"Alright," they shrugged.

"You know, I feel really bad about not being that sad," Aph confessed.

"Don't. You were a baby. You didn't know her really."

"Still. I wish I did."

"I didn't really know her either, you know. I was three when she died," Hera said.

"I never really asked, and I know you were only six when she died, A, but could you tell us what she was like?" Aph asked after a bit of silence.

"Well," I sighed. "She was very pretty. She was kind to everyone. She put others before her. Everyone around her was happy. I honestly don't know why dad and her divorced. He seemed happy when we were all together. Then again, I did used to hear them argue when we were in our rooms. Anyway, I remember when she planned my fifth birthday party. She invited friends and family from Greece, and she cooked for the whole thing. That's another thing. I always remember how much of a great cook she was," I smiled at the thought of her cooking and that birthday party. "Andy should be back soon with lunch," I said, getting up.

I shuffled my way back to my room and put on a bit of Halestorm. I got a few texts from co-workers, asking why I took off today. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, besides the people that live in this house. I laid down on my bed, just listening to the music that filled the room.


"Baby?" Someone shook me. "I'm back." I turned over to see, of course, Andy. I guess I fell asleep.
"Do want to eat downstairs or up here?" He asked.

"Downstairs, I guess," I shrugged. He picked me up from the bed and carried me on his hip like a toddler. He set me on the couch and went into the kitchen.

"I got you your usual," He set the bag of McDonalds on the table in front of me.

"Thanks." I mumbled. He grabbed the other two bags and took them upstairs to my sisters. I took out the side salad from the bag, along with the nuggets. I put the straw in the sweet tea, and took a sip. I poked and pushed around the salad. I'm not in the mood to eat.

"Do I have to feed you?" Andy smirked with his arms folded at the bottom of the stairs. I shook my head and continued to push around my food. The smirk washed away as he walked towards me. He squatted next to me and took my hand in his.
He looked in to my eyes as he said, "It's almost four, baby. You got to eat something. You haven't had anything all day."

"Andy, I'm fine. I'm just not in the mood. It's not like I'm skipping meals everyday."

"I know, but what if you're still upset and like this in a few weeks. What if it becomes a habit when I leave?"

"You're just going to have to trust me. That's all I'm going to say about this," I said, taking another sip of my tea.

"I worry because I care," he sighed, standing up.

"I know, I know. Just relax today, and let me cope in the way I'm used to."

"I hate to see you hurting," he said after kissing my cheek and sitting next to me on the couch.

"I won't be like this forever. I'll be better in two days, maximum."

He sighed, took the salad from my hands, and put it on the table. He turned on the tv and pulled me on his lap. The Munster's was on, which was strange because it's nowhere near Halloween yet. Still, I enjoyed watching it for an hour and a half.

"I'll be right back." I slid off of his lap, and he went upstairs. I'm assuming he went to the bathroom or something. I muted the tv and started going through social networking on my phone. My followers and such skyrocketed honestly. I mean, I kind of expected it, but not in such a short time period.

Everyone in BVB tweeted me, giving their sympathy, but not really explaining what for, so some of the Army was asking. I didn't really want to, but I made a tweet anyway saying that it's the anniversary of my mom's death. I turned my phone off after that. I didn't want to see anymore sympathy tweets. Andy came back downstairs and sat me on his lap again.

"Can you sing for me?" I asked, burying my face in the crook of his neck.

"Anything you want, as long as you sing with me," he said, causing me to groan. "Oh come on, you're really good. You at least owe me this. I still haven't told the guys you could sing yet. This will keep me quiet a little longer."

"Fine, you bastard."

"What do you want us to sing," he chuckled.

"The Gunsling."

"Ooh an old one. Nice. You're gonna have to at least sit up straight for this." I groaned again, and got out of my comfortable position to face him.

"Ready when you are," I sighed.

(A/N: I really don't like putting lyrics to an entire songs when it comes to this, and I'm on my phone and I can't link YouTube videos, so I guess if you want to hear the song, look it up? Idk sorry? Also, just so we're clear, Athena sounds like a mix of Lana Del Rey and Juliet Simms)

"See? Now was that too bad?" He tapped my nose.

"I guess not," I rested my head on his shoulder again, and I felt as if I were going to fall asleep right there, right then.

"Are you tired?" He asked softly and I nodded. He slid an arm under my legs and wrapped the other around my waist. He stood with me securely in his arms, and started walking upstairs. "My room or yours?"

"Yours," I mumbled. He pushed the door open with his foot and set me down on the bed.

"Do you want pajamas?"

"No, I'm fine like this." I said as Crow jumped on the bed,too.

"No Crow," Andy started to pick him up.

"He's fine. He can stay."

"Alright. I'll be downstairs if you need or want me. Just call me up. Love you," He leaned down and kissed me.

"Love you, too."

Slowly, I fell asleep to Crow's steady purr.

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