Chapter 35: You Need A Doctor, Baby?

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*Early February*

I woke up feeling kind of crappy. Hopefully, it was something I could easily shake off. On second thought, maybe not. I ran out of bed and to the bathroom, spilling all the contents of my stomach. I sighed after flushing the toilet, and started brushing my teeth.

You know, I've been feeling kind of gross all week. I can't think of any pure evidence on why I'm feeling like this. I was off from work today, so I got dressed in lounge clothes; and old Pierce The Veil shirt and an old pair of blue jeans. I went down to the kitchen and Andy was making coffee. I brought out grapes from the fridge, and Andy kissed my cheek and retreated to the couch without saying a word. I thought, maybe he's just tired. I mean, we were up pretty late last night, just talking.

I joined him in the living room (of the new house) to watch Criminal Minds. He was on his phone, typing away. Eventually the commercials came on. There was a cute baby food comerical. I still don't want kids, but I got a little curious.


"Hm?" He responded, still not looking at me.

"Hypothetically speaking, if I were to have, I don't know, an unplanned baby, what would you do?"

"Are you pregnant?"


"Then your question is invalid and unnecessary." Wait, whoa. I was not expecting that answer.

"What do you mean by that?" He finally looked up from his phone, and at me.

"Did I stutter? Your question is fucking invalid. You aren't pregnant, so the god damn question irrelevant." And he went back to his phone.

"You're fucking kidding right? Because what I'm getting at, is that you're saying you don't care. I'm getting that you would leave and just not care, if it's so 'irrelevant', Andy."

"Don't fucking put words in my mouth. This conversation is over."

"No, Andy-"

"I fucking said it was over, damn it! Do you ever fucking listen? Maybe you need your god damn hearing checked! And while your at it, get a pregnancy test for fucks sake, bitch," he yelled, slamming his phone from the coffee table. With that, I got up, and retreated to our bedroom.

We had moved into our house already, so I stepped out into the balcony. It seriously took everything in me to not cry, or commit murder. Seriously, what crawled up his ass and died? It was such a simple question! I didn't know he'd blow up at me like that. I need to get away from him right now. I need to get out of here.

"Hey girl!" Tawny's voice came through my phone.

"Hey Tawny. Are you working right now?" I asked, my voice starting to break a bit.

"Uh, yeah I am. Are you okay?" She asked seriously.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll tell you in a few. I'm on my way."

"Uh, okay baby cakes. See you in a bit."


I grabbed my Bring Me The Horizon hoodie from the closet (out of spite, because I knew Oli hated BVB), got my purse and walked downstairs, not once glancing at Andy.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" He asked.

"Out. It's none of your concern," I turned the door handle.

"Athena!" I walked out, slamming the door behind me. I went down to my car and just sat there for a bit, mostly because of nausea, but also because I was getting myself together. I will not cry over this. I started up the car and made my way to the mall.

Die For You {Black Veil Brides}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें