Chapter 14: Take A Look Into The Life You're Leaving

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The whole plane ride I tried to figure out what he wanted to ask me. Of course, my mind kept jumping back to 'He wants to ask you out!' But, that can't be it.

Getting off the plane, my phone buzzed.

Hera: We threw our suitcases outside our window. Dad hasn't been home for a while. Do you have your key?

Me: Yes I have it. Text me if dad turns up. Omw.

I swung my bag over my shoulder and walked outside to hail a cab. After about ten minutes of trying, I got one. I told the man my desired destination. Why it took me so long to get one, I'll never know; It was about 1:30 in the morning. The man played some good music, I'll give him that. Misfits, Poison, The Rolling Stones, old Avenged stuff, you name it.

Me: I'm off the plane. Omw for my sisters now.

Andy: Okay x

Well, there it is.

The house I used to live in.

I told the driver not to leave because I was getting people. I unlocked to find a hell of a mess. Trash and shattered glass everywhere.

"Athena?" I know that voice. I've missed that voice so much. I love that voice.

"Hera? Yeah, ut's me sweetheart!" I heard some talking, then she ran downstairs and ran into my arms. She cried.

"You came back. I knew you would," she sobbed. She may be 17, but she really needed me with her this whole time. Her dark brown hair was matted and had a little bit of blood in it. Her face and arms were bruised and she smelled of beer and vodka.

"Of course I came back."

"Aphrodite had doubts. She was convinced you hated us, and weren't coming back."

Aphrodite was a bubbly 16 year old. She was always sure of things and never really had doubts because she was so optimistic. What have I done?

"Where is she?"

"I'm right here..." She said quietly, sitting on the staircase. I walked up to her, and when I was close enough, I reached out to hug her. She just backed away from me.

"I'll be right out. Go get your bags and wait in the cab," I sighed. They did as they were told as I went up to my room. I got my last suitcase from under my bed and filled it was the last of my clothes, my art stuff, and the last of my money that was in the house. My phone went off, but I ignored it. I had to get out ASAP. I zipped it all up, and went downstairs.

There he was.

"You came back, huh? How was your trip? Did you enjoy being a little slut?" I stayed silent and tried to run past, but he grabbed my arm before I could make it to the door. "You didn't answer my questions?"

"Let go of me," I said firmly. I couldn't act or sound scared, as much as I was. It would make him feel like he had power.

"Nah, let's have a little fun. You like being a slut, don't you?" He smirked. He tightened his grip around my wrist in his one hand. "Your little boy toy isn't here to save you now, huh?" He started trailing his disgusting hands up my arm. Hell no. My father isn't going to rape me. Desperate times, call for desperate measures.

I bit his arm and kicked him in his crotch about four times. While the pain in this lower half distracted him, I took action. I grabbed my suitcase and ran to the cab.

"Drive to the closest hotel to the airport! Now, please!" The driver realized the urgency I was in, and sped away. I took a deep breath and looked out the window to calm myself.

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