Chapter 32: Home

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About Four Months Later...

*Christmas Eve*

It's been so long since I've seen Andy. He left for tour again in mid-September, and hasn't been home since. I thought he'd be home for Thanksgiving, while he was transitioning tours, but he was on a boat, going to another country.

He should be home by now though. It's Christmas Eve, and he's still not here. I haven't talked to him in a week, so I don't even know his where abouts. I'm getting extremely worried. I mean, I know he's safe, I think. He still posts on Twitter and Instagram a bit, but he hasn't called or texted. He's not responding to me, either. In fact, no one in BVB has contacted me in a week as well.

"A?" I soft voice chirped. I looked up and saw my youngest sister. "Everything is fine. I hate seeing you this sad."

"I know, I know. I'm fine really," I wiped away a single tear.

"I don't believe you, but I'll leave you alone..."

"Oh, um, okay," I glanced at the small Christmas tree in the living room. I should be happy. It's a happy time of the year. I set down a gift and pushed it underneath the tree. I stood and shuffled to the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of Jack and went up to our bedroom.

I sat under the covers, drinking. It's what I've been doing for about the past two months. Right after Aph's birthday on November 1st. I don't know why I started, and I want to break this stupid habit. I don't want to be a drunk. I don't want to be like my father.

I probably sat in this damn bed for hours. I'm tired of waiting and I'm tired in general. It's 11 at night, and I decided to just go to bed. As I started to get changed, I heard noises downstairs.

"Hera? Aph?" I yelled. I got no response and the noise continued. I sighed and cautiously went down stairs. I saw a figure with black hair and their back was turned to me. Arms exposed, I recognized him straight away.

"Andy," I whispered. He turned around and looked at me.

"I'm home," he said with open arms. I literally ran to him.

"You're home," I said, starting to tear up.

"I am," he kissed my head. He soothingly rubbed my back as we stood in the middle of the living room in each other's embrace. I slowly started to let go. I looked up at him and he looked down into my eyes.

"Why haven't you answered me, you dick head?" I pounded a fist into his chest. Not like it effected him or anything.

"I wanted to surprise you."

"Don't do that! I was worried and angry!"

"Sorry. But you are surprised, aren't you?"

"No, you bastard!" I hit his chest again and again, harder than before. "I expected you soon...I missed you."

"And you don't think I missed you? Baby, you were the only one in my mind," he kissed me. "I missed you so, so much," he muttered against my lips. He started to tangle his hand in my hair.

Damn, I really missed this.

"It's blue now," he said like he was just noticing.

"Yeah. I dyed it turquoise two weeks ago."

"I like it. It compliments your eyes," he ran his hand through it once more before placing them on my hips. "God, I missed your sexy ass body."


"No, what?"

"We're not doing anything tonight. I'm tired."

"Come on, please?"

"I already said no. Don't beg, you'll just make it worse."

"Fine," he picked me up and started walking to our bedroom. "Can we at least make out or something? I'm a deprived man," he set me down in the bed.

"And I'm not a deprived woman? Go to bed. Tomorrow is a big day. I have to get up early and prepare everything."

Andy had told me before that it was his turn to have Christmas this year. So, I cleaned up, decorated, and cooked for tomorrow. Everyone is coming over in the morning.

"I totally forgot I host Christmas this year."


"I believe it's safe to say that I'm the host, since you didn't help at all," I smirked, taking off my shirt and sweatpants, leaving me in my underwear.

"Really? You're going to play that card? I was touring."

"I know what you were doing. Love you," I pecked his lips and crawled under the covers. He slightly chuckled, while stripping down to his boxers, and curled up next to me.

"I love you so, so much," he pushed a stray hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear.

"I love you, too," I kissed his jaw and tangled my fingers in his hair. It was growing out and back to black.

I love all the styles on him, but I like it long the most. It's easier to play with and to tug on.

"Get some sleep, tomorrow will be busy," I nuzzle into his chest and his arms wrap around me protectively and lovingly.



Love every single one of you!

-KC <3

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