Chapter 42: Coffin

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I looked at myself in the mirror and smoothed out my plain black dress. The viewing and such for the funeral was over, and I'm fixing myself up in the bathroom before we go bury him. This past week since Andy's death, I've been a numb and haven't done anything. I've been thinking this was a dream the whole time. This funeral is a reality check. I broke down. I need to collect myself soon. I don't want to break down all the time, because I look terrible.

"Sweetheart?" The bathroom door creaked open and my mother in law poked her head in. "How're you holding up?" She sniffled.

"I'll be fine, Mom."

"Come on. We don't want to keep everyone waiting..." She gave me a small, weak smile and left. I looked at myself in the mirror once more, then followed Amy out.


I watched the casket being lowered six feet under. My final "Goodbye, darling" to him. Tears streamed down my face an I spun our wedding ring around my finger.

"Goodbye, my love," I whisper, tossing in a black rose. "We'll talk really soon." I turned around and bumped into someone.


"Hey Danny."

"So, um, how're you holding up?" He sniffed.

"I'll be fine soon. How about you?"

"I'll be fine soon."

"Please don't make poor decisions..."

"What do you mean?"

"When Mitch passed, you turned back to drinking. Same for Austin. Don't do the same for Andy. No binge drinking, no more drugs. He won't like that..."

"I can't promise."


"Athena, I- I don't know how do deal! Three of my best friends are gone! Mitch, Austin Carlile, now Andy! How am I not dead by now?!"

"Can't you talk to someone when you feel like you need a drink or something? Talk to Bryanna or call someone in BVB or anyone that's going through this grieving...Call me..."

"You don't understand," je shook his head.

"I just lost my husband, the father of my child. I think I do."

"You don't know what it's like being and ex-druggie and alcoholic that should've been dead a long ass time ago. Look, we'll talk later, A. You're upset, and I don't want to burden you with anything else."

"Just stay out of trouble," I hugged him.


"Athena, you need to eat," Hera said to me at the reception.

"I told you, I'm not hungry."

"The baby is. Eat," she pushed the plate that she prepared closer to me and handed me a plastic fork. I sighed and pushed the food around a little before eating some.

"I'm going to go home," I announced to the people at the table I was sitting with. "I'm feeling ill. Can any of you wrap and collect everything up for me? I'll pick it up later..."

"Yeah, sure," Jinxx said.

"Thank you so much," I got up from the table, gathered my things, and left to my car.

I drove home in silence. I walked inside in silence. I crawled into bed in silence. I can't function. He's really gone. I can't touch or hold him ever again. At least I'll be able to speak to him. I looked across the room and glanced at my ouija board. I can't wait to talk to him. Soon...soon...

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