Chapter 4: Wild and Running For One Reason

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I set my alarm for 10 am and I then laid down in my bed, still in the jacket Andy gave me. I loved his smell. I placed my hands in the pockets and I felt something weird, most likely a candy wrapper. I pulled it out to find it was a paper with a phone number and it read 'Call Me ;) '. Was this seriously meant for me? I didn't call, but I texted him.

Me: Hey it's Athena. Was the paper for me? Or...

Andy: Haha yes it was so hello :)

Me: I was just checking, haha. I'm going to bed so I can wake up early. 11 am is super early for me.

Andy: Welcome to my life. Ok. Sweet dreams then.

All I could do was grin. He was so sweet and cute...maybe I'm thinking about this too much. I'm pretty sure we're only friends. Probably just acquaintances. Get it together, A, you're starting to sound like a fan girl.

I started drifting off and before I knew it, I was asleep. 10 am had arrived and I was tired as hell. I just sucked it up. It's for the boys and me to have bonding time, right? And with that, I started my morning routine. Shower, do hair, get dressed, brush teeth, make up, etc.. I then heard a knock on my bedroom door. I unlocked it to find that it was my dad.

"Can we talk?" he asks.


"Look, I over reacted yesterday, calling your music shitty and grounding you."

"Uh huh..." I reply, not really paying attention because I was texting Andy. He tended to do this after getting super drunk or shooting up some drug.

"So, I'm un-grounding you. Sound good?"

"Yeah, sure." With that, he left. He can be okay when he isn't on anything, but it's rare, and it doesn't change what he's see done.

Andy: we'll be @ your place soon

Me: ok. im ready

I grab my bag, put on Andy's jacket, and go downstairs. Just as I was about to open the front door, I'm stopped by my father.

"Where are you heading to?" he asked. I couldn't say I was going with friends because he knew I didn't have any...

"Umm...with co-workers?" I say, realizing I said it as a question.

"Oh...keep me updated, I guess."

I head out the door and see the bus in front of my gate. This morning was kind of awkward with my dad, but it's been worse. I knock on the door of the bus and Jake invites me in.

"Hey guys!" I said.

"Hey Athena!" They said in unison.

"So what's so important that I had to get up early for you people?"

"We wanted to hang out with you," Ashley shrugged, putting his feet up on a table.

"Yeah. We wanted you to show us a few spots in town," CC chimed in.

"Okay, sounds like a plan."

Andy patted the seat next to him on the couch, indicating for me to sit there, "So, is there a good breakfast place close?" Andy asked.

"Well, there's this really good pancake house in town if you like everything pancakes."

"I love pancakes!" CC said excitedly. I directed the driver to the pancake house and we all went inside. We took our seats and looked through the menu. The waitress came over to our booth after a few minutes.

"Hey y'all! What can I get y'all this lovely morning." She had a heavy southern accent. I wondered where she's from, because we aren't even close to the south. I live in Oregon.

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