Chapter 16: Youth and Whiskey

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"Shots, shots, shots, shots!" The crowd chanted. I was currently doing body shots with Sammi and Ella, and I was having the time of my life. I took a shot off of Ella's chest with my hands behind my back, and the people cheered.

Die Young by Ke$ha came through the speakers and I got excited. If I was sober, no, I wouldn't be, but when you're drunk, everything just sound fantastic. I pulled the girls on to the dance floor with me, and started going crazy. A pair of hands wrapped around my waist, and started dancing along with me; our hips in sync, grinding against each other. At the moment, I didn't care who it was, I just wanted to have fun. The person turned me around forcfully.

"Ohhhh. Hey Andy!" I slurred. "You know? You look really fucking sexy right now," I gripped his shirt, and crashed my lips on to his. Before we started fucking right in the middle of the dance floor, he broke apart and lead me to the back of the club. As far as I remember, the next thing that happened was a heated make out session, and some heavy touching.

"God, you're so beautiful," He murmured.

"Andy, I love you." Was all I could say before he kissed me again. I broke away as my phone buzzed in my pocket. "Oops. Hold on, Biersack," I slurred.

CC: Where are you? Is Andy with you?

Me: He's with me, we're inside. Idk where though. We're busy. Don't look for us.

I put my phone back in my pocket, and kissed him again. Basically this is all we did until we sobered up.

"Wanna get out of here?" He whispered against my lips.

"Yeah." Luckily, Andy didn't drink a lot, so we got home relatively safely. Just as I was about to go up to my room, Andy stopped me.

"I love, you know."

"I know, Andy. I love you, too. And I've been meaning to tell you that I'm ready for a relationship now."

"Really? Because I've been meaning to ask you, but I didn't want to seem...pushy."

"You wouldn't seem pushy to me."

"Well, in that case," He smiled, "will you be my girlfriend, Athena? I know it's not the most romantic way to ask, seeing as we're both kind of drunk, you more than me, but I'd be the happiest guy in California if you said yes." I walked closer to him, closing the space between us.

"I think you already know the answer to that, Biersack." I gave him a small peck on the lips. "I'm going to bed. I have to talk to the manager of HT tomorrow." I trudged upstairs to my room, kicked off my shoes, and climbed in bed.

"You alright?" Andy asked, coming in a few minutes after I got in to bed.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks."

"Alright. Night, A."


**The Next Morning**

Oh. My. Fucking. God. My head is pounding, my ears are ringing, and I feel like shit. I looked over to my night stand and there is half a glass of water, asprin, and a note.

'Hope you had fun last night. Thought you might need this.
H & Aph.'

I smiled and took the pills. I pulled my hair in to a pony tail and went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I went down to the living room to find Andy, Aphrodite, and Hera all on the couch, watching a show.

"Look who decided to crawl back out of the depths of hell," Aph joked.

"Oh, ha ha. You're fucking hilarious."

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