Chapter 36: What's the News?

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It's summer again, and things have been crazy since February. For starters, I'm opening up my own tattoo shop in October, so getting all of that together was hell. Surprisingly enough, it was carried out rather quickly. I named it Ink of the Gods, seeing as I am Greek, so mythology played a huge part in its history and my name is Athena, after a goddess.

Black Veil Brides have been working on a new album, which will be coming out in October as well. I can't say much about it, other than I'm in it. The guys, along with other musicians, have been pushing me to so a little something with music. I might consider it, but I doubt I will.

Tawny and Greyson got together last month, finally. I knew it would take a while, but I didn't expect this long of a time. Hera is going to college on a full scholarship and is studying psychology, which I thought was great. One of Aphrodite's friends is cousins with the YouTuber, Brittany Louise Taylor, who is close with another YouTuber, Shane Dawson. One day they started hanging out, and Shane fell in love with Aph's personality, so now she's working in a movie he's directing. She wants to be an actress now, so Lucy and some of her friends are helping and training her.

Here's all the bad news: I've been sick on and off the past few months, to the point of being hospitalized three times. Like Andy had said, the guys were upset that I didn't tell them what was wrong with me, but they got over it like I said.
Even though the doctor said I was infertile, I did end up pregnant at one point, but not for very long. I had a miscarriage, leaving me and mostly Andy hopelessly depressed. He even stopped calling me 'baby' and 'baby girl'. He said he wasn't ready for a kid, but he was so excited to be a father. With the miscarriage and them already saying I was infertile, they said for sure that I really can't have kids now. To be honest, I was excited for the baby, too.

Back to good news, Andy's cousin, Joe Flanders; Season 2 of Average Joe did so well, better than expected, so they're working on season 3. On top of that, Comedy Central watched his stuff, and want to work with him on show ideas.

So all together, things are going pretty great.

"Andy, honey? Can you bring my medicine?" My nasal voice yelled from our music room. I'm just getting over a slight cold and I'm in the middle of writing music, not wanting to get up.

"Here, sweetie," he handed me the small cup of the fowl tasting syrup. I took it down, like a shot, and handed the now empty cup back.

"Thanks," I smiled and returned to my guitar.

"Do you need anything else?"

"No, I think I'm good."

"If you need anything or any help with music, text me. I'll be in bed," he smiled weakly and shut the door behind him. I really need to cheer Andy up. He pretends to be happy a lot of the time, I can tell. He's still kind of upset about the miscarriage. I just don't know what to do.

A/N: Quick shout out to @kbrasher and @maia215 for being amazing in our school musical of the Wiz. Hope we can get freaky on the dance floor again at the after party next year ;)

Love you all <3



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